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Workplace Management is a multilingual application that comes pre-configured with several default languages. This allows different users to display the content in their preferred language.

In Workplace Management, the page fields, buttons, navigation menus, reports, etc. are all translated to the users language. Default workflow emails send from Workplace Management are also in the language of the user.

Translation keys and translation strings

In Workplace Management there are translation keys and translation strings, which are used to display the applications elements (buttons, labels, text, etc.) in the desired language. A translation key is a lowercase text without spaces (for example, ‘example_translation’). This translation key will have multiple translation strings linked to it for every desired/relevant language. For example, the translation key mentioned above has the following translation strings:

  • English: Example translation

  • Dutch: Voorbeeldvertaling

  • German: Beispielübersetzung

  • French: Exemple de traduction

  • etc.

So if the translation key 'example_translation' is used as a label for a page field, the users language determines which of the above translation strings is shown.


An administrator has the option to create additional translation strings (in other languages) or to override already existing translation strings to change a default translated text.

Search translations

Via the application managers (administrator level 1) startboard, the translations can be searched via the 'Translations' button.


Enter the translation (string) and the language to find the desired translation.

Override existing translation strings

After selecting a translation key, all available translations strings are shown in a include:


Select the translations you want to override and click on 'Override selected items'. The selected translations strings are now copied to the clients environment as custom client translation strings and can be entered as desired.


From now on the clients custom translations are now used for the applicable translation key.

When entering a translation key in a field (with translations are enabled), via the balloon icon the user can check, if the translation key and corresponding translation strings already exists. Be carefull when changing an already existing translation key, because the changes also affect other places in Workplace Management, where the translation key was initially used.

  • No labels