Difficulty: expert
Learning Objectives
After reading this article, you’ll be able to:
Configure devices in Studio
Verify devices in Studio
In Sensor Devices in Workplace Back-end Studio, you can
link your sensors to your locations (Rooms, possibly defining a Workplace or Linked Locations)
check when a specific sensor has last sent data
search for a specific sensor, kind of sensor or type (what's it measuring) or set a filter to one or more Locations
disable sensors if they are no longer used and should not turn up in your data set anymore
How to access:
Login with your credentials
Select Sensor Devices
Devices overview: how many/which devices are set up in the tenant and what is their connection status (the total of devices in this status is visible in KPI health cards) and to which (linked) locations they are mapped.
Filter in Devices based on device name, location, device type, health status or sensor channel
When drilling down to a specific location, KPI health cards are updated based on selected locations.
Clear filters to go back to all devices overview for this tenant.
KPI Health Cards are described on the How to monitor Sensor Health page. Select a KPI Health Card to select a Health filter for that status.
Export/Import functionality and Add New Device button are explained in Configure devices (add, remove, import/export).
Device Label
Device Info
The device label provides device details like health status, configuration information, live data, as well as historical data.
Device info tab provides following details:
device details (ID, Type)
device health status (see How to monitor Sensor Health)
last seen information
last values received for this device
The sensor status is fetched together with https://spacewell.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KB/pages/492407/How+to+monitor+Sensor+Health#Location-Hierarchy in the moment the Studio Spaces page is loaded, and then a background process retrieves the actual values every 15 minutes (after Studio is opened).
So while the bottom part of the Device label (and the Historical data tab) might show data from the last minutes, sensor status can differ if not refreshed yet through the background status update.
Location field indicates the main location link for the device. Clicking the link will open that location and provide an overview of available sensors linked to that location.
The sensor status (Online/To Check/Offline) will be reported on the (main) Location.
Data of the sensor will be copied to the Linked Location(s). This data-copying feature is only relevant for comfort data (see https://spacewell.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KB/pages/491694/Live+floorplan+settings#Comfort-Settings) and traffic data (see Xovis deployment).
Version count indicates how many changes have been saved on this device (keep in mind it does not track all fields, but for example added location and timestamps). Verify changes in Sensor Device History using the "clock" icon.
It’s possible to edit the device information: selecting the edit button (pen) on the top right will open the same screen as “Add New Device”, see Configure devices (add, remove, import/export).
The Refresh button will refresh last seen information and last values received for this device.
Check out https://spacewell.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KB/pages/60653569/Configure+devices+add+remove+import+export#Delete%2FDisable-Device to learn more about disabling a device.
Timeline tab show the values received for this device in a bar graph or line chart (switch between the two options using the on the top right buttons).
Each channel of the device is shown in a different graph. The Comfort sensor in the example to the left tracks values for Temperature, Humidity, CO2, …
The colors and values used in the graph depend on the configuration in Live floorplan settings.
Select the data visualization per last 12h/last 48h, … or even during a specific time frame.
Historical Data
Historical data tab lists the received data per last 12h/last 48h, … or even during a specific time frame (going back in time will take time to load).
Per default, all the channels of the device will be shown, but it’s possible to focus solely on eg Temperature, Humidity, CO2, … (depending on the channels that the device is using).
Device data might also include the heartbeat or acknowledgement, if the device sends a value with that communication.