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1. What is this module about

The Corrective work orders module is designed to facilitate the service teams or service departments to create one or more work orders from requests reported by users and assign these work orders to internal or external contractors in order to resolve the issues.

For example, if a toilet is broken and there are water leakages, the internal facility service team might not able to resolve the issue. From the (internal) request, a corrective work order can be created for an external contractor/supplier (e.g. a plumber) to fix the leakage or install a new toilet. Associated costs can be registered by the contractor and the work orders can be internally evaluated.

1.1 Service groups

Just like with requests, the service groups are also applicable in the corrective work orders. The requests service group and responsible user is automatically taken over to the corrective work order. The responsible user can manually forward the work order to the applicable contractor.

More information about service groups can be found via Requests module.

1.2 Problem types

Problem types determined in the request, can also influence the behavior of the corrective work order. Per problem type it is possible to determine if a corrective work order is automatically created, assigned and send to the relevant contractor based on the preferred supplier role.


For example:

  • Building: Spacewell Arnhem

  • Supplier X is the preferred supplier for Spacewell Arnhem with the role ‘Access Control’

  • Problem type: 'Front gate defect'

  • Automatically create corrective work order: Yes

  • Work order service group: Facility

  • Role: 'Access Control'

  • Automatically send work order: Yes

Once a request with building ‘Spacewell Arnhem’ and the problem type ‘Front gate defect' is submitted, a corrective work order is automatically created, assgned to service group ‘Facility’, assigned to contractor 'Supplier X’ and automatically send.

Because there is no manual action or interference in this case, a remark can be pre defined and a default cost item (Catalog item) can be determine and will also be automatically added to the work order. A default cost item can be relevant if price agreements are negotiated for specific work and the default price can automatically be included.

More information about problem types can be found via Requests module.

1.3 Mandate approval

In the corrective work order process it is possible to add a mandate approval step. A mandate approval is a step in the workflow, where an authorized user of user with a specific system group needs to approve or reject the work orders total amount. This prevents work orders from being made and send to contractors with a (unauthorized) large total amount.

Mandate approval can be enabled via ‘Module settings' → ‘Maintenance’ → 'Corrective work orders' → 'Mandate approval corrective work orders’:


Mandate approval options:

By manager (based on personal mandate amount):

If the mandate approval is executed by users based on a personal (maximum) mandate amount, mandate approval by manager is used. Every user creating corrective work orders, has a personal mandate amount and can approve the corrective work orders up to the maximum total amount similar to the personal mandate amount. If the corrective work order total amount exceeds the personal mandate amount of the user, the manager of the user needs to approve the corrective work order next,. If the corrective work order total amount exceeds the personal mandate amount of the manager, the next manager needs to approve the corrective work order next until the personal mandate amount is sufficient.

To use the mandate approval by manager, the users manager and personal mandate amount need to be registered. Register the mandate amount up to which the user is allowed to approve corrective work orders for, on the users contact page. Register the manager of the user and register the mandate amount of the manager. Continue with linking managers and regsitering the personal mandate amounts, until the maximum mandate amount is reached.


  • User 1 → Manager: User 2 and Mandate amount: 500

  • User 2 → Manager: User 3 and Mandate amount: 10.000

  • User 3 → Manager: No manager and Mandate amount: 1.000.000

A corrective work order is created and mandate approval for corrective work orders is enabled.

  1. A corrective work order with the total amount of 250, needs to be approved by User 1

  2. A corrective work order with the total amount of 5.000, needs to be approved first by User 1 and then by User 2

  3. A corrective work order with the total amount of 20.000, needs to be approved first by User 1, then by User 2 and then by User 3

If the corrective work order total amount exceeds the personal amount of the user, the users manager is the next user to approve the corrective work order, until the apporvers mandate amount exceeds the corrective work orders total amount.


By a specific group (from a specific amount):

If the mandate approval is always executed by specific users or a specific department, a system group can be registered to approve the corrective work order total amount. If the corrective work order total amount only needs to be approved, if it exceeds a certain amount, it is poissble to register the amount form which the mandate approval by the specific system group applies.

To use mandate approval by a specific system group, register this system group in ‘Module settings' → ‘Maintenance’ → ‘Corrective work orders’ → 'Mandate approval group’.

To specify an amount from which the mandate approval applies, register this in ‘Module settings' → ‘Maintenance’ → ‘Corrective work orders’ → 'Mandate approval from amount’. If this setting is set to 0, the mandate approval always applies.



  • Mandate approval group: Mandate approvers (members are User 1 and User 2)

  • Mandate approval from amount: 1000

A corrective work order is created and mandate approval for corrective work orders is enabled.

  1. A corrective work order with the total amount of 250, no approval is needed

  2. A corrective work order with the total amount of 2500, needs to be approved by either User 1 or User 2 (every user in the mandate approval system group will get the task to approve)

Depending on problemtype:

If the mandate approval is determined per problem type, the mandate approval can be configured in each problem type seperately, where it actually applies.

Both mandate approval options mentioned above, can be configured on problem type level.


  • Problem type 1

    • Mandate approval group: Mandate approvers (members are User 1 and User 2)

    • Mandate approval from amount: 1000

  • Problem type 2

    • Mandate approval disabled

  • Problem type 3

    • Mandate approval: by manager

    • User 1 → Manager: User 2 and Mandate amount: 500

    • User 2 → Manager: User 3 and Mandate amount: 10.000

    • User 3 → Manager: No manager and Mandate amount: 1.000.000

A corrective work order is created and mandate approval for corrective work orders is enabled depending on problem type.

  1. A corrective work order from a request with Problem type 1 with the total amount of 250, no approval is needed

  2. A corrective work order from a request with Problem type 1 with the total amount of 2500, needs to be approved by either User 1 or User 2 (every user in the mandate approval system group will get the task to approve)

  3. A corrective work order from a request with Problem type 2 with the total amount of 250, no approval needed

  4. A corrective work order from a request with Problem type 2 with the total amount of 20.000, no approval needed

  5. A corrective work order from a request with Problem type 3 with the total amount of 250, needs to be approved by User 1

  6. A corrective work order from a request with Problem type 3 with the total amount of 5.000, needs to be approved first by User 1 and then by User 2

  7. A corrective work order from a request with Problem type 3 with the total amount of 20.000, needs to be approved first by User 1, then by User 2 and then by User 3


1.4 Tendering process (quotations)

1.5 Planboard

1.6 Supplier access

SUPPLIER ACCES LINK TO ANOTHER ARTICLE (also applicable for Preventive, etc.)

After the corrective work order is forwarded to the (internal or external) contractor, the work order needs to be handled via a workflow task. If the contractor does not have a user account in Workplace Management to be able to handle the work order, the service team responsible is assigned to handle the work order on behalf of the contractor.

1.8 Other relevant options

1.5.1 Sub requests

Sub requests can be used if a problem/request consists of multiple pre defined actions, which are always applicable for a request related to this problem (type). Using sub requests can be determined per problem type and each of the sub requests can have its own service group which needs to handle the sub request.

With sub requests, the main request is automatically broken down into one or more sub requests. After the main request is submitted, it moves to a 'Waiting for sub requests' status. The sub requests are all assigned to the applicable service group. Once all sub requests have been handled, the main request is automatically closed.

For example, if a new employee is hired, a request is created to prepare a new work laptop. The problem type 'New employee laptop' consists of several sub requests:

  • Purchase a new laptop → service group 'Purchasing'

  • Create a new mailbox for the employee → service group 'IT'

  • Prepare the laptop with all relevant software → service group 'IT'

  • Distribute the laptop on the first day → service group 'Office Manager'

Sub requests can be enabled per problem type via the navigation menu ‘Requests' → 'Problem type schemes’ → problemtree → select the desired problem type to enable and create the desired sub requests.


1.5.2 Duplicate check

Automatic duplicate checks can be enabled, when a request is submitted. If a problem occured in the main hall, where all employees pass by, it could be that more than one user creates a request with the same problem type, same building and same area. For example, if the service group receives 10 requests about the same issue, the first request is assigned to a service group responsible person. The other 9 requests are marked as a duplicate of the first request. The service group responsible now only has to follow up and handle the first request, instead of handling all 10 requests individually. After the first request is handled, the other duplicate automatically follow and are automatcially handled.

Duplicate check can be enabled for:

  • The same problem type

  • The same building

  • The same area

  • The same asset

The duplicate check is only executed for open requests. Already closed requests with the same problem type, the same building and the same area for example, are not taken into account.

Duplicate checks can be enabled via the ‘Module settings' → 'Requests’ tab.


1.5.3 Preferred suppliers

With preferred suppliers, requests or work orders can automatically be assigned to the preferred supplier based on the role specified in the problem type. Preferred suppliers can be applicable in general, per building, per area or per asset. A preferred supplier is a combination of a supplier and a role. Roles can be created for specific industries/businesses, where suppliers operate in.

For example:

  • Supplier A - Role: IT

  • Supplier B - Role: Landscaping

  • Supplier C - Role: Furniture

If a request is submitted with the problem type role 'IT', the application checks ifthere are preferred suppliers:

  1. If an asset is linked to the request → check on preferred suppliers for that asset with the role 'IT'

  2. If an area is linked to the request → check on preferred suppliers for that area with the role 'IT'

  3. If a building is linked to the request → check on preferred suppliers for that building with the role 'IT'

  4. Check on preferred suppliers in general with the role 'IT'

If a preferred supplier is found, it will be automatically linked as the contractor to a possible corrective work order being created for this request.

Preferred suppliers can be enabled via the ‘Module settings' → ‘Requests: Preferred suppliers’ tab. Preferred supplier roles can be managed via the navigation menu 'Requests’ → 'Roles’

Preferred suppliers can then be managed via:

  • Navigation menu 'Requests' → Preferred suppliers

  • The ‘Preferred suppliers' tab on the building

  • The 'Preferred suppliers' tab on the area

  • The 'Preferred suppliers' tab on the asset

The system group '5. Manage problemtrees' can manage the preferred suppliers.


1.5.4 Simple ticketing via the Workplace App

If Workplace Experience is also used, a request can also be created via the Workplace App. More information about Workplace Experience can be founde Workplace Experience integration: Reservations module activation and information.

2. Additional information on this module

More information on the Requests module can be found via the following related articles:

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