Difficulty: novice
After reading this article, you’ll be able to:
Understand how an Automation works
Define which Automation scenarios fit your use-case
What is Spacewell Automation? If you are a creative person and want to create scenarios which are in the same trend as the ones described here, but which are not exactly the same: we also have a solution for you. Please use the template below and send send in a product request via your Spacewell Account Manager. |
To see which Automation scenarios are active in your environment, see Automation visualization
Some people might say Spacewell Automation is a simple IFTTT engine (IF-This-Then-That). That's OK if it helps you understanding the basics, it's however not exactly what Automation is all about. The strength of the Spacewell Automation is that it continuously scans all incoming (streaming) data from any data source that flows into the Workplace Platform. That means it scans all sensor data & BMS data, but it also scans the IWMS data available in Workplace. Thus, Spacewell Automation is not a simple IFTTT engine: it's a complex event processing tool.
For die hard fans: in the Workplace architecture, Spacewell Automation is identified as "Backchat" and exists out of the Drools Engine, the AKKA concurrent application framework and the actual self-created Backchat architecture code. More detailed info can be found here: /wiki/spaces/SUM/pages/492052
Automation deep-links : confirmation by clicking button instead of just clicking the deep-link
In most cases, Spacewell Automation will send notifications (via e-mail or SMS) that include a deep-link. There are two possible actions that can be triggered by clicking a deep-link from a notification generated by Spacewell Automation:
Request to keep a reservation
Request to cancel a reservation
Decide which Automation scenarios you want to implement, depending on your use case and situation (kind of devices installed).
Possible Automation scenarios for locations where occupancy or utilization sensors are installed:
Scenario description
Scenario exceptions
Additional comments(*) When occupancy is measured using Browan PIR sensors, the "time before the message is triggered" cannot be lower than 15 minutes. Since Browan PIR sensors only send a new "occupied" signal anywhere between every 8 - 12 minutes, every value lower than 15 minutes would trigger faulty messages to be distributed. When measuring occupancy using Pointgrab sensors, the "time before the message is triggered" can be as low as 1 minute. Spacewell Workplace Team will require the ID of each location to link the Automation (and Floor ID if locations are on different floors). This allows you to detail if there is a difference in "reaction time" ("after X minutes") for eg meeting rooms and workplaces. Spacewell Meeting Room Displays (MRD) have a stand-alone grace period functionality. If this is used in combination with the described Automation, it will cause a conflict. If the user clicks on “confirm” in the email or SMS, they still need to “confirm” on the display too. If this is unwanted behavior, the grace period for the display can be disabled. Possible customizations of this scenario while staying within setting up a standard scenario (per tenant per Automation)
Scenario description
Scenario exceptions
Additional comments(*) When used in combination with the auto-cancel scenario, you want the auto-end scenario only to kick-in after a while. For example: when in the first 15 minutes no presence was detected, you want the meeting to be cancelled. If no presence is detected afterwards, you want the meeting to be made shorter automatically. (**) When occupancy is measured using Browan PIR sensors, the "time before the message is triggered" cannot be lower than 15 minutes. Since Browan PIR sensors only send a new "occupied" signal anywhere between every 8 - 12 minutes, every value lower than 15 minutes would trigger faulty messages to be distributed. When measuring occupancy using Pointgrab sensors, the "time before the message is triggered" can be as low as 1 minute. The Workplace Team requires the ID of each room to link the Automation (and Floor ID if rooms are on different floors). This allows you to detail if there is a difference in "reaction time" ("after X minutes") for eg meeting rooms and workplaces. Possible customizations of this scenario while staying within setting up a standard scenario (per tenant per Automation)
Scenario description
Scenario exceptions
Additional commentsWhen occupancy is measured using Browan PIR sensors, the "time before the message is triggered" could be 15 minutes. Since Browan PIR sensors only send a new "occupied" signal anywhere between every 8 - 12 minutes, every value lower than 15 minutes would trigger faulty messages to be distributed. When measuring occupancy using headcount sensors, the "time before the message is triggered" will be 1 minute. The Workplace Team requires the ID of each location to link the Automation (and Floor ID if locations are on different floors). This allows you to detail if there is a difference in "notifications to be triggered for the same event in time" ("message is sent every X minutes per location") for eg meeting rooms and workplaces. Possible customization of this scenario while staying within setting up a standard scenario (per tenant per Automation)
Scenario description
Scenario exceptions
Possible customization of this scenario while staying within setting up a standard scenario (per tenant per Automation)
Remember that Automation scenarios are not compatible with Exchange that have a room-centric approach, as reservations can only be changed/canceled in the system they are created in (e.g. either in Outlook or in Workplace). So a reservation created via Outlook, cannot be changed in any way in a Spacewell Workplace touchpoint (hence also not by the Automation). For more information see High level features, prerequisites and current limitations |
Possible Automation scenarios for locations where door counter sensors are installed:
Scenario description
Possible Automation scenarios for Status lights :
This Automation can be set up for Status lights Scenario description
→ fill in the excel template based on a Basic Export from Studio Devices: first row is an example; make sure you include Status Light ID, location ID and scenario name Additional CommentsThere is only 1 scenario per light possible. Get in touch with your Spacewell Account Manager to request an Automation and describe which of the 3 scenarios should apply. The colors are derived from floor plan settings as mentioned above. Possible customization of this scenario: NA |
This Automation can be set up for Status lights Scenario description
Scenario exceptions
→ fill in the excel template based on a Basic Export from Studio Devices: first row is an example; make sure you include Status Light ID, location ID and scenario name Additional CommentsThere is only 1 scenario per light possible. Get in touch with your Spacewell Account Manager to request an Automation and describe which of the 3 scenarios should apply. The colors are derived from floor plan settings as mentioned above. Possible customization of this scenario: NA |
This Automation scenario can be set up for Status lights Scenario description
→ fill in the excel template based on a Basic Export from Studio Devices: first row is an example; make sure you include Status Light ID, location ID and scenario name Additional CommentsThere is only 1 scenario per light possible. Get in touch with your Spacewell Account Manager to request an Automation and describe which of the 3 scenarios should apply. The colors are derived from floor plan settings as mentioned above. Possible customization of this scenario: NA |
* Status light changes that are steered by an Automation might take time to visualize on the devices. Latency up to 15min might be experienced. |
Possible Automation when no devices are installed:
Scenario description
Scenario exceptions
Additional commentsSpacewell Meeting Room Displays (MRD) have a stand-alone grace period functionality. If this is used in combination with the described Automation, it will cause a conflict. If the user clicks on “confirm” in the email or SMS, they still need to “confirm” on the display too. If this is unwanted behavior, the grace period for the display can be disabled. Possible customization of this scenario while staying within setting up a standard scenario (per tenant per Automation)
If you are a creative person and want to create Automation scenarios which are in the same trend as the scenarios above, but which are not exactly the same; we also have a solution for you: use the template below and send send in a product request via your Spacewell Account Manager. Budget and implementation timing will vary based on your request.
Describe your scenario in words.
Make sure you think about all cases that occur.
Only describe rules & triggers for events that are currently already captured in Workplace (if we don't have the info in the system, we can't make an Automation).
When will the Automation not work?
Define the scenario variables and their contents
What is needed from the system (configuration) to make this happen?
Verify which Automations are set up for your tenant through Automation visualization |
After implementing 1 or more Automation scenarios for your environment, make sure to test if everything is working as it should. Visit page Quality Assurance Occupancy and Utilization Sensor for tips & tricks on how to test this.
Automation scenarios take action based on the sensor values from the sensor that is linked to the same location, so to do Quality Assurance on the sensor installation, please see above.
To do Quality Assurance on the different https://spacewell.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/resumedraft.action?draftId=492317 configured for the tenant, create some test scenarios:
Auto release Reservation when no occupancy is detected (and send a message) :
Select a location for which the above Automation scenario is configured
Make sure that
the motion sensor for that location cannot be triggered in the upcoming time (best practice is to close the door in case of a closed meeting room, and keep an eye on the door to make sure a colleague does not go in/triggers the sensor)
if there is a Meeting Room Display configured to this location, make sure the Auto-Release functionality has been disabled
Make a reservation at this time for the selected location on any of the Workplace touch points, with a user that is configured with as per the Automation requirements (for example phone number and/or e-mail address of the reservation responsible needs to be configured)
If the Automation is working, you should get a message + the location will be cancelled (reservation object receives flag "cancelled")
Auto-end Reservation when no occupancy is detected (and send a message) :
Select a location for which the above Automation scenario is configured
Make a reservation for the selected location on any of the Workplace touch points, with a user that is configured with as per the Automation requirements (for example phone number and/or e-mail address of the reservation responsible needs to be configured)
Enter the location at the meeting start time and make sure the motion sensor is triggered. After some time, go away from the location. Make sure the sensor cannot be triggered (best practice is to close the door in case of a closed meeting room, and keep an eye on the door to make sure no-one goes in/triggers the sensor)
If the Automation is working, you should get a message + the location should be freed up/end (reservation end time is changed)
Send a message when utilization exceeds maximum capacity :
Select a location for which the above Automation scenario is configured
Make sure that
utilization is measured correctly in this room/location (see Quality Assurance on motion & headcount sensors)
Setting the capacity and thresholds of spaces is configured in Workplace back-end Studio
Make a reservation for the selected room/location on any of the touch points
Enter the location with more people than are allowed as per the Setting the capacity and thresholds of spaces configuration
If the Automation is working, dedicated (group of) user(s)) (as defined in the Automation) should get a message
Send a message to confirm an upcoming meeting (and cancel if ignored) :
Select a location for which the above Automation scenario is configured
Make a reservation for the near future for the selected location on any of the touch points, with a user that is configured with as per the Automation requirements (for example phone number and/or e-mail address of the reservation responsible needs to be configured)
If the Automation is working, you should get a message
upon confirmation, the reservation continues to exist
upon cancellation, the location should be cancelled (reservation object receives flag "cancelled")