Correct mode

Correct mode


Wether an object in Workplace Management is editable or not is mainly determined by the users authorization. Objects can be editable, view only, or not accessable at all by the user. Even if the user can edit an object, some fields may still be view only. This can be determined by the page fields access setting or the status of the workflow the object is currently in (if applicable). View only fields on the object cannot be edited by a regular user.

For example, in the below screenshot the object is editable for the user, but the fields ‘Building', 'Category' and ‘Type’ are not editable. These fields are not editable, because the page field access is set to 'View’.

Area viewed by a regular user

Administrators can use the ‘Correct’ functionality to edit or delete data that is not allowed to be edited or deleted by a regular user. With the correct functionality the fields mentioned above (Building, Category and Type) become editable for the administrator.

Area viewed by administrator with correct mode enabled

So in short, the correct mode is used to:

  • Change fields which are not editable (at the moment)

  • Delete objects not allowed to be deleted by a non-administrator user

Some fields are not editable at all, even with correct mode enabled. The access to these fields are determined by code. For example the total amount of a work order cannot be changed via correct mode, because this field is automatically calculated based on the total amount of all linked work order items.

Correct mode is not available on specific pages (e.g. the users startboard) or on inherited objects from another baseline.

Enable/disable correct mode

An administrator can enable the correct mode via the gear icon on the top right corner on a relevant page:

Disabling the correct mode can be done via the same button.

Correction mode can also be enabled from a list/hierarchy page to do a bulk update or to prevent the need to enable correct mode for each object you open from that list: