- 1 1. What is this module about
- 2 2. Navigation menu
- 3 3. Manage Assets
- 3.1 3.1 Searching Assets
- 3.2 3.2 Create and edit Assets
- 3.2.1 3.2.1 Create
- 3.2.2 3.2.2 Edit
- 3.2.3 3.2.3 Delete and archive
- 4 4. Additional options and use in other modules
- 4.1 4.1 Related modules
- 4.1.1 4.1.1 Reservations
- 4.1.2 4.1.2 Requests
- 4.1.3 4.1.3 Work orders
- Corrective work orders
- Preventive maintenance work orders
- LTMP work orders
- 4.1.4 4.1.4 Contracts
- 4.1.5 4.1.5 Checklists
- 4.1.6 4.1.6 Compliance
- 4.1.7 4.1.7 Employees
- 4.2 4.2 Use
- 4.3 4.3 QR codes
- 4.4 4.4 Documents
- 4.1 4.1 Related modules
- 5 5. Reports
- 6 6. All fields
- 7 7. Related articles
1. What is this module about
Assets is one of the master data modules of Workplace Management.
Just like the buildings and areas can be registered via the Buildings and areas module, assets within (or even separate from) these buildings and areas can be registered.
Assets are all the physical objects within or outside of a building. This can be anything from the coffee machines, fire extinguishers, chairs, desks, laptops, elevators, but also cars, bikes, or even art hanging on the walls. Any asset that is worth tracking (for instance, how many corrective work orders have been created for it, to plan (long-term) maintenance on it, be able to reserve it, or to track the location of the asset (by linking it to the building and area module)) can be added in the assets module.
The Asset module allows you to use asset information in other modules. More information about using assets in other modules is described in the chapter Additional options and use in other modules below.
Apart from the use in other modules, the Asset module can aid in managing your assets, as it helps to get insights into the organization's assets, including details like location, ownership, occupancy status, and maintenance history. This overview helps in resource allocation, cost-saving, and strategic decision-making.
2. Navigation menu
For the asset module, the following navigation menu options become available:
Navigation menu option | Available to system groups | Description |
Assets |
| The option to search for all assets and (for users with the system group ‘Edit assets’) the option to create new assets. |
It is not necessary to have access to the navigation menu option(s) for master data to be able to select these objects in other processes. E.g. end users most likely do not need to search for assets via the navigation menu, they only need to be able to select an asset in a new request or reservation. If contextual access to assets is NOT used (default behavior), users that have the authorization to create a request, reservation, or any other applicable process can also select any asset in those processes (if applicable in that process).
3. Manage Assets
3.1 Searching Assets
Via the navigation menu ‘Assets’ the default keywords search option is opened. By default, the assets are directly shown in a list below the search bar. If the environment contains a lot of assets (+100), the search results will remain empty and the user needs to enter search criteria to get results.
Enter a keyword (e.g. name, reference, description, etc.) to search for the corresponding assets. Via the ‘Search' button or an 'Enter’ on your keyboard, the results are shown in a list below the search bar.
If a more extensive search for assets needs to be done, the advanced search option can be used. Via advanced search, search criteria can be entered per relevant field and can be combined. For example, searching on the name of the asset, the category and the building can be done via advanced search. Advanced search can also be done when searching on fields which are not a keyword, like the asset's category.
If there are assets with a hierarchy, the “child” assets will be shown indented beneath the parent asset.
3.2 Create and edit Assets
3.2.1 Create
Via the ‘Assets' navigation menu, a new asset can also be created from the search results overview. The option to create a new asset is only available for users with the system group 'Edit assets’.
When creating a new asset, an overview of all available categories is shown to choose a category from. By default a lot of categories are available for assets. The user can select the desired category and click on ‘Create' to create the new asset. It is possible that different categories also use different pages to display the asset. Some fields might be applicable for one category and not for the other category. For example, the field 'License plate’ is applicable for a car, but not for a laptop.
More general information about categories, see: Categories.
The user can now enter the asset’s details. Field with a * (asterisk) are required to fill in. If the user clicks on 'Save and return' or the floppy disk icon (Save) in the top right corner, and mandatory fields are not filled in, and error is shown.
3.2.2 Edit
Next to creating a new asset, an existing asset can also be edited with the system group ‘Edit assets'. After the user has searched for the applicable asset, the asset can be opened by clicking on the hyperlink. A hyperlink is usually shown in a different color as the rest of the asset’s information and the text will be underlined automatically, when hovering over the hyperlink.
The asset can now be edited and via the 'Save and return' or floppy disk icon (Save) the changes can be confirmed.
3.2.3 Delete and archive
If an asset is obsolete and is not used anymore, it can be deleted or archived. General information about deleting and archiving an object can be found via the Deleting and archiving article.
4. Additional options and use in other modules
4.1 Related modules
4.1.1 Reservations
Assets can be made reservable via the field 'Reservable' (Yes/No). If an asset is reservable, it can be reserved by users via Workplace Management and/or Workplace Experience (Workplace App, Go, etc.). More information about creating reservations, see Reservations.
4.1.2 Requests
Assets can be used in requests. There is no configuration necessary on the asset itself to be able to link the asset to a request. The problem type the user selects when creating a new request, determines if an asset can or has to be selected and linked to the request. For example, if the coffee machine is broken, the user can create a request and select the actual coffee machine asset to link to the request, instead of describing the location of the coffee machine in the request. When linking assets to requests, this information can also be used in overviews and analysis about how often an asset is linked to a request. More information about creating requests, see Requests.
4.1.3 Work orders
In the different types of work order processes, assets can also be used. Corrective work orders
If an asset is linked to a request and a corrective work order is created from the request by the service group, the asset is automatically taken over to the corrective work order. Contractors with access to Workplace Management will be able to navigate to the asset and view possible history of the asset linked to other requests and work orders in the past. More information about creating corrective work orders, see Corrective work orders. Preventive maintenance work orders
Assets can also be added to a preventive maintenance schedule, if the asset needs to be checked periodically. A monthly inspection of the elevators or a quarterly inspection of all desks is possible by linking the asset to a preventive maintenance schedule and generate the preventive maintenance work orders. More information about creating preventive maintenance work orders, see Preventive maintenance work orders. LTMP work orders
Long term maintenance activities can be for buildings or assets. When a LTMP work order is generated for one or more activities, the related assets will be linked to these LTMP work orders. More information about creating LTMP work orders, see Maintenance Planning.
4.1.4 Contracts
Assets can be linked to contracts to keep track of monthly/quarterly/yearly costs involved around the asset. In a maintenance contract with a supplier, the periodic costs per asset can be registered. More information about creating contracts, see Contracts.
4.1.5 Checklists
Ad hoc checklist can be created from an asset. Based on the asset's product group, a checklist can be generated from a series of available checklist templates for that product group. With a checklist a series of questions need to be entered regarding the asset. Checklists are usually used to see if an asset is still working properly and up to standards. Next to ad hoc checklists, checklists can also be added to preventive maintenance work orders. More information about creating checklist, see Checklists.
4.1.6 Compliance
Some assets might have to comply to the countries legislations. With the 'Compliance applicable' (Yes/No) field on the asset, the asset can be marked as in scope for compliance. By linking the applicable legislations to the asset, the corresponding legislation documents are automatically generated. More information about managing legislation documents, see Compliance.
4.1.7 Employees
Assets like laptops and smartphones can be assigned to the companies employees to use. It will always be registered who is currently using an asset or who used to use the asset. More information about managing employees, see Employees.
4.2 Use
Via the 'Use' tab on an asset it is possible to specify the quantity of the asset. Next to that, it can be specified if it is allowed to overuse the asset. For example, if the asset has a quantity of 5, would it be allowed to assign it to more than 5 people?
Via the ‘Current use' overview, the asset can be assigned to an organization or person via the 'New’ button. This overview also shows if the asset is already in use by someone. The current use overview is filled, if the in use date is in the past and the out of use date is either in the future or empty.
Via the 'Use history and planned use' button all the use for the particular asset can be found. If the asset was used in the past or will be used by another person in the future can be found via this overview.
For every organization or person using the asset, the current use is updated.
The use by a specific person can also be found when navigating to the person and open the 'Resources' tab.
If the asset is assigned to more persons than allowed, an error or warning is shown. This depends on the 'Overuse' setting.
Typically when registering the use of an asset, the specific assets that are being used are registered individually with a quantity of 1. This way the specific asset can be assigned to a person and can also be tracked. For example, the asset 'HP laptop' with serial number 123456 is assigned to person A.
When the asset 'HP laptop' is created with a quantity of 5, it can be assigned to 5 persons, but tracking which person has which exact laptop will not be possible.
Assets which do not vary from each other, can be registered with a quantity of more than 1. For example. the asset 'Laptop stand' can be assigned to multiple persons without having to know who has which exact laptop stand. It is only relevant to know who has one laptop stand assigned to them.
4.3 QR codes
It is possible (depending on setting) to have Workplace Management automatically generate a QR code (based on the URL of the asset) when creating a new asset. This QR code can be used by scanning it with a mobile device and quickly open the asset.
When using Workplace Management on a mobile device an asset can be searched via the 'Scan' functionality. The camera is opened and the QR code can be scanned.
Because the asset’s QR code contains the URL by default, an external QR code scanner or camera of your smartphone can be used to directly open Workplace Management and the asset will automatically be opened. If the user is not yet logged into Workplace Management, the login screen will be presented first.
4.4 Documents
Via the 'Documents' tab on the asset, new documents can be uploaded which will be automatically linked to the asset and already linked documents can be managed. More information on documents see: Uploading and viewing documents.
5. Reports
Via the navigation menu Reports → Folders, a list of available reports can be found for all modules the user is authorized to. Assets is one of the master data modules and the folder ‘Master data’ opens an overview of default available master data reports.
6. All fields
The following overview(s) contain a description of the fields used in this module.
The default assets have the following fields available.
Field | Description | Field location |
Reference | Every new asset automatically gets a unique asset reference. This reference is not editable and can be used to search particular assets. | General tab |
Catalog | A catalog item can be linked to the asset, which will result in information automatically taken over from the catalog item, like the name, supplier, model, description and photo. | General tab |
Part of | The asset where this asset phase is part of. If a sub asset is created, the sub asset becomes part of the main asset. This field is empty if there is no main asset. | General tab |
Name | The name of the asset. | General tab |
External reference | The external reference of an asset can be a identification number from the external source. If the asset has been imported, the external reference is the unique identifier which can be linked back to the external source. | General tab |
Serial number | The serial number of the asset. | General tab |
Trade name | The trade name of the asset. | General tab |
Model | The model of the asset. | General tab |
Capacity | The capacity of the asset. Depending on the type of asset, the relevant capacity can be registered. (e.g. 1000 GB, 15 KG, 2 Kilowatt, etc.). | General tab |
Description | An additional (detailed) description of the asset. | General tab |
Quantity | The number of assets. This can be relevant if one asset has a quantity of 10, which can all be reserved. | General tab |
Manufacturer | The manufacturer contact can be linked to the asset to register who created or build the asset. | General tab |
Supplier | The supplier contact can be linked to the asset. The supplier contact can be relevant if the purchasing process is used or to contact the supplier. | General tab |
Purchase/installation date | The date of purchasing or the installation of the asset. This can be useful to determine, if warranty is still applicable. | General tab |
Original value | What was the value of the asset when it was bought. | General tab |
Photo | A visual of the asset to see what the asset looks like. | General tab |
Category | The category of the asset. The category determines what type of asset it is and which fields are relevant to register. | General tab |
Product group | Another level of categorization is possible via product groups. Product groups can be created on customer level. | General tab |
Building | The building where the asset is located. | General tab |
Area | The area or room where the asset is located. | General tab |
Status | With the status of the asset, it can be determined if the asset is available, in repair, is stolen, in use, etc. | General tab |
Inspection date | The last time the asset was inspected, can be registered. | General tab |
Reservable | Determine whether the asset can be reserved or not. If the building of the asset is registered, the asset can only be reserved from that building. | General tab |
Owner | The owner contact can be linked to the asset. | General tab |
Ownership | The type of ownership: Borrowed, Owned, Leased or Rented. | General tab |
QR code | A unique text per asset can be entered, which is turned into a QR code automatically. This QR code can be used to quickly find the asset by scanning the QR code. | General tab |
Compliance applicable | If the ‘Compliance’ module is activated, it can be registered if the asset is in scope to for registrering and uploading the applicable legislation documents. | General tab |
Quantity | The number of assets. This can be relevant if one asset has a quantity of 10, which can be in use by various contacts. | Use tab |
Used | How much assets are currently in use by a contact. | Use tab |
Overuse | Determine if it is allowed to use (assigned to a contact) more than the quantity of the asset. | Use tab |
Some asset categories have a different page, because additional or other information is relevant.
Category ‘Car' and 'Other vehicles’ (next to the above fields of a default asset, the following fields are available)
Field | Description | Field location |
License plate | The license plate number of the vehicle for identification purposes. | General tab |
Mileage | The last registered mileage of the vehicle. | General tab |
Mileage date | The latest date when the mileage of the vehicle was registered. | General tab |
Categories ‘Key' and 'Lock’ (next to the above fields of a default asset, the following field is available)
Field | Description | Field location |
Access code | The access code which is applicable for the key or lock can be registered. | General tab |
7. Related articles
More information on the Asset module can be found via the following related articles:
For more information on the content of this module, including detailed descriptions of some of the core components, see: Master data Asset module in the 'Application Managers' section.
For more detailed implementation information (including how to enable the module, which system groups are involved, data imports, and more information on the startboard and navigation menu options), see: Master data: Assets module activation and information