Customizing the Room Display

Customizing the Room Display

Difficulty: expert

Learning Objectives

After reading this article, you’ll be able to:

  • Create and edit custom themes & profiles

  • Push application settings and custom themes and profiles to your devices

Room Display customization is done through Device Control Platform, see


Profiles vs themes

‪Decide what is possible on the device

Decide how the device UI looks like

‪Decide what is possible on the device

Decide how the device UI looks like

‪Enable or hide features, decide on app settings,
‪Add custom logos, change colours, etc.

Editing Profiles

Remember to check if the Device Hardware specifications are compatible with the chosen features (eg not every device supports NFC, or has a camera to allow for identification through QR code scanning)

On Identification Methods



Push application settings, profiles & themes to your devices

If you have few devices to configure, we recommend to push configurations to devices one by one



