When searching for a room, desk or parking space, the search recommendations are evaluated based on available time slots.
Recommended locations satisfy the below criteria:
At least 1 available slot for the requested duration, starting on or within 2 hours of the start time requested
On the requested day
At one of the requested floors
Matching the required capacity
Other location options are also displayed. These are typically locations which do not satisfy the recommendation criteria but are still a close match. Other great options are evaluated based on the below criteria:
Should not meet the "recommended rooms" criteria
Have 1 available slot of the requested duration at any other time during the day
Should exist on one of the requested floors
Capacity of a maximum 33% larger than the requested number of participants
For each room shown in other great options, a small message is displayed explaining why this room wasn't a recommended room. Results within "recommended" and "other great options" subgroups are ordered alphabetically within the group.
At the end of the list of search results, if the user has not found what he/she is looking for, it is possible to fine tune the search criteria and perform a new search right away.
If a user simply wants to consult all available rooms/desks, these can be viewed per floor either as a list or on the live floorplan.