The Schrems II ruling is a decision by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) invalidating the EU-US Privacy Shield. This framework has been used to allow companies to transfer personal data from the EU to the US. The CJEU ruled that the Privacy Shield did not adequately protect EU citizens' data from US surveillance.
Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs)
SCCs are a set of contractual terms that the European Commission has approved for transferring personal data from the EU to non-EU countries. Google uses SCCs in its contract with Spacewell to ensure that EU citizens' data is transferred and processed by European law.
Google encrypts all data, including EU citizens' data at rest and in transit. This means that even if US authorities access Google's European data centers, they cannot read the data without Google's encryption keys.
Data residency
All of Spacewell's EU client data resides within European data centers. This means EU citizens' data will never be transferred to the US.