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Prepared by

Simon de Jager

Last edited




Customer shareableNo


The switch to The Things Networks will eliminate the chance of encountering these issues

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Status lightsIcons

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Solid Green

Feature is operating correctly.

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Ethernet LED

Indicates the state of the WAN and LAN ports

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Solid Orange

Feature is not operating correctly.

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Indicates the state of the LoRa network

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Indicates the state of the Wi-Fi Network (Feature deactivated by default)

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Power LED

Indicates that the Base Station is

functioning normally

Ethernet LED
The ethernet LED shows the connectivity status between the Hub and the Platform
Off: No network à Check if the ethernet cable is plugged in on both ends. Blue port for the Hub.
Connection not established à Check if the correct ports are opened. For Hubs connected to 4G check for sufficient throughput and instalment of 4G antennas


The LoRa LED shows the readiness of receiving messages from the sensors. The hub will not accept messages if it is not connected to the platform
Not ready à Check connection to platform


The hubs are preconfigured not to send out any wifi signals. The light may turn on during initial boot but will turn itself off after configuration is loaded. 


Power LED
Off à Powered off
Flashing Green
à Boot mode
Flashing Orange/Green 
à Reset mode
à Powered on 


       Can I reset the hub?
Yes, Press the reset button located between the power and blue ethernet until the power LED start flashing orange/green (approx. 20 seconds)
The hub will reset back to the original MCS configuration, this can take up to 20 minutes.

       Can I run my own configuration?
No, the hubs are configured with the MCS configuration.
Trying to reconfigure the hub with the tabs app will lead to malfunctioning of the hardware


       How can I test network throughput?
Connect your laptop to the connection under test
Go to a speed test website, e.g.
Run the test

Sensor connectivity

We encountered multiple cases where the sensors didn't connect to the hub.


  1. Do the sensor id's and location comply with deployment?
  2. Are the sensors linked to the correct floor/building?
  3. Are the sensors places optimally according to the placement guide
    A downward facing orientation is always preferred for desks where possible
  4. How are the sensors placed?
    Pictures help:
    1. What does a desk look like?
    2. What is the orientation of the sensor?
    3. Are the desks placed in corridors? If so how wide is a corridor?
    4. What are the dimensions of a desk? Height, width, depth?
  5. Are all sensors placed the same?
  6. For horizontal facing desk sensors, has the sensitivity been reduced? 
  7. For vertical facing desk sensors the sensitivity shouldn't be reduced 
  8. Does each location have the correct number of sensors linked to it? (e.g. 1 desk = 1 occ sensor)
    The rhye health monitor can help you with this check



Solid Green 

Feature is operating correctly.