Moeilijkheidsgraad: beginner
Table of Contents | ||||||||||
Na het lezen van dit artikel zul je in staat zijn om:
Voer een moduleactivering uit voor Contracten.
Hoe naar de module-activatie navigeren
Om te beginnen met de oplossingsgerichte uitrol voor Contracten:
Navigeer naar het startbord.
Klik op de tegel "Module-activatie".
Selecteer het tabblad "Beschikbare modules om uit te rollen" en selecteer Contracten.
klik op de knop "Geselecteerde module uitrollen".
Je krijgt dan een korte uitleg zoals hieronder.
Hierna wordt een nieuwe pagina geopend:
Te volgen stappen
Stap 1 De contracttypes toevoegen
Contracttypes worden gebruikt om onderscheid te maken tussen contracten en zijn niet verplicht. Om verschillende contracttypes toe te voegen:
Navigeer naar het onderdeel onder aan de pagina genaamd Contracttypen (0)
Klik: nieuw
Vul de naam van het contracttype in
Stap 2 Nog te bepalen instellingen
Tip: We bespreken de instellingen in de tabel hieronder. Als je echter met de muis over het veld beweegt dat je aan het invullen bent, krijg je vaak dezelfde helptekst te zien:
Meldingen verzenden
Als dit is ingesteld op ja, worden contractmeldingen verzonden naar een standaard ontvanger die is ingesteld onder Meldingen op de contractpagina. Deze meldingen worden automatisch gegenereerd op basis van de instellingen hiervoor per contract.
Standaard aantal dagen voor het einde van de opzegtermijn kennisgevingen verzenden
Dit bepaalt wanneer de kennisgeving wordt verzonden. Als hier 30 dagen is ingevuld, wordt 30 dagen voor de opzegdatum een kennisgeving verzonden.
title | Pre-defined settings |
Er zijn een aantal voorgedefinieerde instellingen. Als deze moeten worden aangepast, moet dit worden gedaan via de knop "Module-instellingen" op uw startbord > tabblad 'Contract' .
Contracten gebruiken
Als deze optie is ingesteld op ja, kunnen er contracten worden aangemaakt in deze omgeving.
Periode automatisch aanmaken
Als dit is ingesteld op ja, worden contractperioden automatisch aangemaakt in het geval van automatische verlengingen.
Meldingen in het verleden
Je kunt aangeven of meldingen met datums in het verleden moeten worden gegenereerd.
Standaard contractcategorie wizard
De categorie waarin nieuwe contracten worden aangemaakt.
Stap 3 De activering van de module starten
Wat gebeurt er als je op de groene Start knop in deze wizardstap?
Je gaat naar de volgende pagina van de Wizard.
Relevante imports zijn aangemaakt, in de volgende stap zullen we deze imports bespreken
title | Authorizations |
De volgende groepen kunnen worden toegewezen aan gebruikers:
2. Bekijk contracten
Groep geeft kijkrechten aan contracten
4. Contractbeheerder
Groep geeft toegang tot het maken en bewerken van contracten
6. Kennisgevingen van contracten
Contact ontvangt contractherinneringen in de context van een contract
7. Management dashboards contracten
Groep geeft toegang tot de menuoptie "Management dashboards" voor de module contracten, evenals toegang tot de relevante objecten om deze inhoud van de dashboards te bekijken.
Stap 4 Controleer de gegevens en sluit de activering van de module.
Op de volgende pagina kunnen we alle items controleren die zijn aangemaakt. Hier staat ook een checklist die we kunnen volgen.
Warning |
Over het importeren van contracten: Vanwege de complexiteit van het importeren van contracten en alle gerelateerde objecten, is het importeren van contracten niet opgenomen in de scope van het project. Hiervoor wordt een aparte tijdsinschatting gemaakt. Er zijn standaardsjablonen beschikbaar, maar er moet handmatig worden gewerkt om ervoor te zorgen dat contracten correct worden geconfigureerd in Workplace. Bijvoorbeeld het uploaden van pdf-documenten en het controleren van de geïmporteerde gegevens. |
Het importbestand dat in deze moduleactivering wordt gemaakt, is de import voor contracten, contractperiodeschema's en artikelen. Het importsjabloon downloaden:
navigeren naar de "Relevante invoer" omvatten
Klik op importsjabloon genereren
Klik op het downloadpictogram naast de lus om de sjabloon te downloaden.
Bestanden naar de klant verzenden
Importbestanden ontvangen en goedgekeurd
Controleer, indien relevant, of contracten, contractitems en periode-schema objecten succesvol zijn geïmporteerd. Als de eigenschappen en gebieden al zijn geïmporteerd bij het initialiseren van de omgeving kunnen deze vakjes direct worden aangevinkt.
Klik op Importbestand uploaden en upload het importbestand dat je van de klant hebt gekregen.
Als alles is afgehandeld, kunnen we de rollout sluiten door op de knop Sluiten te klikken, Contracten worden nu weergegeven als een NavigatieMenu-optie.
Waar vind ik de instellingen die ik heb geselecteerd
Algemene contractinstellingen kan worden gevonden in de clientinstellingen: druk op de tegel 'Module-instellingen' op je startbord > tab 'Contract'.
Rw ui textbox macro |
Stappen in de activering van de module:
Zoek op
Table of Contents | ||
Info |
This article is about activating this module as an implementation consultant. For more detailed information on how to manage or use the concepts in this module as an application manager or a user (for instance, details on how to create an object), see the related module in the application managers and/or Users part of this knowledge base: Application Managers / Users |
1. Contracts in general
Contract management in general is the systematic process of handling contract creation, analysis, and maintenance to maximize operational and financial performance while minimizing risk. It is essential for businesses to effectively manage agreements with customers, suppliers and partners.
Effective contract management involves several critical activities:
Monitoring: Tracking relevant contract details
Renewals: Managing changes and ensuring timely renewals to maintain continuous operations.
Record Keeping: Organizing and maintaining contract documents for easy access and reference.
Risk Management: Identifying and mitigating potential risks associated with contract terms.
Overall, contract management enhances contract oversight, improves financial transparency, and supports informed decision-making, ultimately contributing to the efficient management of the organization’s contractual obligations and assets.
2. What is this module about
For more information on the content of this module, including detailed descriptions of some of the core components, see: Contract module in the 'Application Managers' section.
3. Why use this module
This module centralizes all relevant contract data in one place, providing clear and immediate access to contract details. Users benefit from automated reminders and reports, ensuring awareness of upcoming contract terminations and deadlines. This proactive approach helps prevent human error and facilitates timely renewals or negotiations.
Additionally, the module offers clear insights into the financial implications of contracts, allowing for better budget management and financial planning. By integrating with other modules, users gain comprehensive visibility into active contracts related to buildings and assets. For example, if a work order is created for a malfunctioning piece of equipment, the system can identify and link any active maintenance contracts associated with that asset. This integration ensures that service desk users are aware of existing service agreements, facilitating more efficient and cost-effective resolution of issues.
3.1 Choices to be made within the module
Apart from the basics that are always available in this module (contract registration including financial details per period and contract reminders) the most relevant additional choices that can be made when using this module are the following:
If the contract module is also going to be used to track and report on the financial components of a contract (creating contract items with a price per period), should these contract items also be linked to the relevant master data objects (buildings, areas, assets)? By doing so, more cross module insights can be used (e.g. insights in active contracts for when a request is created regarding a malfunctioning asset, if that asset is linked to a (maintenance) contract with a supplier). If this is desired, make sure the relevant master data modules are also implemented.
Is the contract indexation function relevant to be used? This is most likely only relevant in case of contracts for which the customer is receiving money, instead of paying it (as in the second case, the new prices will likely be determined by the supplier). Via the indexation function, the prices of a selection of contract(item)s can easily be indexed with a certain amount or percentage. Next to using the indexation option to index contracts automatically, it is also possible to use the option to automatically generate index letters (emails that can be send to the contract parties involved, informing them on the new prices). This feature needs to be enabled via the Contract module settings. For more information about this functionality, see Contract management (users)
Are the contracts also going to be invoiced via Workplace Management? This is most likely only relevant in case of contracts for which the customer is receiving money, instead of paying it. In this case, the outgoing invoice module, including contract invoices runs should also be implemented. For more information about this functionality, see Contract management (users), Outgoing invoices (users) and Invoice runs (users)
4. How to activate this module
As for every new module, use the ‘Module activation’ option on the administrator startboard (only available for level 2 and 3 admins). For more general information about these 'Module activation' options, see Module activation.
4.1 Prerequisites before enabling this module
The contract module does not require any other modules to be activated before. However, if you want to be able to link a specific building, area and/or asset to a contract item, these modules will need to be activated first. Otherwise, it is only possible to create generic contract items, not liked to any object.
For more information about these modules see:
4.2 Module activation
For this specific module activation, multiple settings and options apply:
Settings to be determined:
Send notifications: Enable this option to set the default value for the option to send a contract reminder for each new contract that is created. This option can be altered per new contract that will be created and the setting here only applies to the default value..
Default number of days before term of notice period notifications send: With this you can determine how many days before the end date of the term of notice period of a contract a reminder must be sent. This will be set as the default value for each (new) contract. When registering a contract, this value can always be adjusted per contract. When 30 days is filled in here, a notification will be send 30 days before the term of notice date.
To whom a contract reminder must be sent must be entered when creating or editing an actual contract
4.2.1 Workflow emails
The emails that are automatically sent via the workflow (for this module, only the reminder email when a contract period is ending) are also generated and shown in the include on the module activation after the module activation is started. If the customer does not want to use one or more workflow emails, the emails can directly be deleted from the overview. For more information on workflow emails: Standard Workflow emails
For a detailed description of the emails sent via the workflow, see: Contract module in the 'Application Managers' section.
4.3 Data imports
When activating this module, some data imports become available, which can be used to quickly import relevant data into the system (as opposed to manually entering this data, which is also possible).
Relevant data imports become available in the module activation after the activation has been started. Default data imports can also be found on the admin startboard (only for level 2 and level 3 administrators).
For more information on data imports in general, see: Data imports
If the Contract module is activated, the following default import connectors become available:
Reference | Name | Description |
FMB-F-110 | Import contracts | This import can be used to import the plain contract data (e.g. name, start date, contract parties, etc). Be aware, this does not have the option to import the actual contract file |
FMB-F-111 | Import contract period schemes | This import can be used to import the contract periods |
FMB-F-112 | Import contract items | This import can be used to import the actual contract items (general or linked to buildings, areas and/or assets) per relevant contract period |
Warning |
About importing contracts: Due to the complexity of importing contracts and all the related objects, importing contracts is not included in the scope of the project. A separate time estimation is made for this. Default templates are available, however, manual work needs to be done to make sure contracts are configured correctly in Workplace. For example, uploading pdf documents and verifying the imported data. |
4.4 System groups
When a module is activated, system groups become available that can be assigned to user profiles. These system groups will give users access to (a subset of) navigation menu options, startboard tabs, and tasks in the relevant workflow(s).
For more general information on user profiles, system groups, users, and the user profile dashboard, see:User management
For the Contract module, the following system groups become available:
Reference | Name | Description | License needed |
GOB-G012 |
| Group gives viewing rights to contracts | Limited user |
GOB-G010 |
| Group gives access to creating and editing contracts | Full user |
FMB-G033 |
| Group gives access to index options of contracts (via the navigation menu and a tab per contract) | Full user |
FMB-G081 |
| Group gives access to the menu option "Management dashboards" for the contracts module, as well as access to the relevant objects to view this content of the dashboards. | Limited user |
Via the 'User profile management' option on the administrator startboard, these system groups can be assigned to existing user profiles or add them to newly created user profiles.
4.4.1 Relevant system groups from other modules:
For some modules, other (master data) modules might be of importance, in order to be able to fully use this module.
Reference | Name | Description | License needed |
GOB-G007 | Edit buildings and areas | Group gives create and edit rights on buildings and areas | Full user |
GOB-G008 | Edit assets | Group gives create and edit rights on assets | Full user |
In case of contract invoicing, the following system groups can also become relevant from the (outgoing) invoice module:
Reference | Name | Description | License needed |
FMB-G132 | Create outgoing invoices | Group gives rights to create outgoing invoices | Full user |
FMB-G022 | Financial administration | Users with this group have view rights on all objects related to the financial administration and have create and edit rights for invoices as well as the workflow tasks to submit and send invoices | Full user |
FMB-G032 | Financial manager | Users with this group can create and edit all the objects related to the financial administration. | Full user |
FMB-G028 | Invoice run editor | Group has the rights to create invoice runs for contract invoicing | Full user |
FMB-G030 | Invoice run reviewer | Group is used in the workflow for contract invoice runs to approve the generated amounts (before the actual invoices can be generated) | Full user |
4.5 Navigation menu and startboard options
When a module is activated, the relevant navigation menu options become available to users with the correct authorizations (based on the system groups). Next, a module-specific key user startboard tab becomes available for that particular module and is visible depending on the user's authorizations. This tab gives users insights and day-to-day work overviews relevant to the specific module.
For more general information on the navigation menu and startboard, see: https://spacewell.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KB/pages/441712705/Authorizing+users#2.2-Navigation-menu-and-Startboard
For the Contract module, the following navigation menu options become available:
Navigation menu option | Available to system groups | Description |
Contracts |
| The option to search for all contracts. |
Prices changes |
| Via this option, the prices of a selection of contracts can be changed in bulk on a specified date, by a fixed price, percentage or additional amount |
Indexing |
| Via this option, (a selection of contracts) can be indexed based on pre-defined indices (see ‘Indices’ navigation menu) |
Generate indexation letters |
| Only available if indexation letters are used (based on a contract module setting). Via this option, actual indexation letters can be generated based on indexed contracts |
Index letters to be processed |
| Only available if indexation letters are used (based on a contract module setting). Via this option, the generated indexation letters can be reviewed and send to the contract parties involved |
Indices |
| Via this option, indices can be created and managed. |
Contracts dashboard | Management dashboards contracts | A management dashboard with overviews and graphs related to contracts |
For the Contract management module, the following starboard tab becomes available:
This tab is available for the following system groups:
Contract manager
Management dashboards contracts
This startboard tab has some buttons similar to the navigation menu options with the same names. Next to that, this tab has the following includes (both are only visible if they contain data):
Contract registrations that have not yet been completed: If a contract was being created (Contract + function), but it was not finished before the user left this process, it will show up in this overview.
Contracts not yet renewed with a notice period within 90 days: This overview shows all contracts not yet renewed with a Term of notice within 90 days.
5. Additional reports
Additional reports can be available for some modules via the ‘Reports’ navigation menu option.
For the contract management module, there are reports available via:
Navigation menu reports: A long list of reports related to contract available for the contract system groups.
Management dashboard: A management dashboard for contracts is available in the ‘Contracts’ navigation menu for the ‘Management dashboards contracts’ system group, with overviews and graphs related to contract (New vs terminated, value in/decreases, etc.):
6. Additional settings and options after enabling
For some modules, additional settings can be configured after the initial module activation via the 'Module settings' option on the administrator startboard. A module is always activated with the most used settings pre-defined. After the module is activated, the module may have more advanced settings available, which can be managed via the Module settings as well.
To navigate to all Contract module settings, go to Modules settings → tab Contracts. Hover over the available settings to get more information:
7. Additional information
No additional information currently.
8. User manual
For the user manual with a more step-by-step explanation of the process itself, see: Contract management for (end)users.
9. Q&A
Waiting for questions to be answered.