- Do the sensor id's and location comply with deployment?
- Are the sensors linked to the correct floor/building?
- Are the sensors places optimally according to the Motion sensor installation guide?
- How are the sensors placed?
Pictures help:- What does a desk look like?
- What is the orientation of the sensor?
- Are the desks placed in corridors? If so how wide is a corridor?
- What are the dimensions of a desk? Height, width, depth?
- Are all sensors placed the same?
- For horizontal facing desk sensors, has the sensitivity been reduced?
- For vertical facing desk sensors the sensitivity shouldn't be reduced
- Does each location have the correct number of sensors linked to it? (e.g. 1 desk = 1 motion sensor)
The Studio Location Tree can help you with this check
Going on site
Things to take with you on site
- plastic badge/credit card/screw driver to open the sensor (check Tabs Sensors installation guides page on how to remove/change a sensor)
- spare batteries (1/2 AA 3.6V lithium battery)
- spare caps (if needed)
- tape and scissors (see Tabs Sensors installation guides for best practices on tape)
- computer with access to internet: Studio (health info) + Confluence (eg hub LEDs, installation instructions)
- paperclip (optional)
- microfibre cloth to clean surface