Difficulty: expert
Table of Contents | ||||
Learning Objectives
After reading this article, you’ll be able to:
configure Zens sensors in Workplace
send Zens data to Workplace
Data-Stream Configuration
Zens will connect sends data to the Workplace platform through Generic Endpointa webhook. The Spacewell Consultant creates a customer unique token in External Data Sources, and communicates the connection details to Zens.
Deploy sensors in Workplace Platform
Add New Device in Workplace back-end Studio
Go to your environment (https://studio.cobundu.com ) and log in
Create an External Data Sources and Custom Device Types following the instructions
Select the location, where you can manually add a sensor via "Add New Device"
Manually add device through location > devices > new: location is filled in.
Select the Device Type "Generic PIR" you have created in step 2. This will automatically link the device channel.
Enter Device ID as
prefix “zens|”
device ID will be provided by the ZENS project team
Fill in the Device ID following https://spacewell.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KB/pages/579142021/Custom+Device+Types#Configure-devices-in-Workplace
Info |
Both on Zens as on Spacewell side, device IDs need to be unique |
Enter a meaningful Device Name (eg customer_floor number_area).
Select a Location from the location tree if this is already known (automatically filled in if location was selected before adding new device).
Linked Locations is not relevant for this kind of sensor.
Selecting the correct Device Type "Generic PIR" should automatically set the Type to "Presence" and the Channel to “PIR” (see Advanced).
For more information on how to add multiple new devices to Studio, check out Configure devices (add, remove, import/, and export).
Quality Assurance
Next step is the Quality Assurance to make sure that the whole installation and configuration of your Motion sensor was a success. See Quality Assurance Occupancy /and Utilization Sensor
Check the Motion Sensor
Wave your hand slowly 5 to 10 times in front of the sensor. This will activate the motion sensor, and the sensor's LED will turn orange Checking the motion sensor and power supply Note: If this does not happen, the entire RJ12 cabling and power supply must be checked.
After the installation of the charging module and the motion sensor, the working can be checked.
If the motion sensor works properly and has detected movement, the LED ring will turn red. If this does not happen, the entire RJ12 cabling and power supply must be checked.
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