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Table of Contents

This article is about the use of this module as an application manager, for more information on how to use the concepts in this module as a user (for instance, details on how to create an object), see the related module in the Users part of this knowledge base: Users

1. What is this module about


Just like the buildings and areas can be registered via the Buildings and areas module, assets within (or even separate from) these buildings and areas can be registered.

Assets are all the physical objects within or outside of a building. This can be anything from the coffee machines, fire extinguishers, chairs, desks, laptops, elevators, but also cars, bikes, or even art hanging on the walls. Any asset that is worth tracking (for instance, how many corrective work orders have been created for it, to plan (long-term) maintenance on it, be able to reserve it, or to track the location of the asset (by linking it to the building and area module)) can be added in the assets module.


  • Requests: Connecting requests to specific assets (Ee.g., a broken laptop or a malfunctioning coffee machine) can help the Service Desk to find more related data on the assets (e.g., uploaded manuals or supplier contact details), helping to quickly identify and resolve issues. Additionally, tracking open or total requests per asset assists in resource and maintenance management.

  • Reservation Management: Reserving equipment (e.g., a beamer) becomes easier, ensuring efficient use of equipment and better asset availability.

  • Contracts: Linking assets to contracts makes sure the cost and responsibilities can be tracked per asset. Leading to better and more data-driven strategic decision-making and supplier management.


Most of the core concepts of this module can be managed by key users (asset editors). Therefore, most concepts are described in the user manual, which can be found here: User manual: Assets

The next parts will go into more detail on some of the core concepts of this module that are mostly relevant for administrators:


The following default categories are available for this module:


2. General asset module settings

To navigate to all the general Asset model settings, go to Modules settings → tab Assets. Hover over the available settings to get more information about a specific setting:


2. Additional information on this module
