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Difficulty: novice


Learning Objectives

After reading this article, you will be able to:

  • Initialize Workplace environments

  • Import master data

Before reading: The initialization wizard is rather self explanatory. It has been designed with guiding implementation consultants through the process. In this article, additional background information is provided on the parts that might need additional explanation. If this is your first time setting up an environment we suggest to read through the full article.

The very first login into a new environment

Upon logging into a new environment for the first time, the admin will be presented with a screen like the one shown below. If it looks different, please contact Workplace Support.

This startBoard shows the only two buttons that are available when logging into an environment for the first time:

  • FMB documentation: Wiki page explaining the Facility Management Baseline implementation.

  • Initialization wizard: The wizard that will guide you through implementing the environment.

In the future, the FMB documentation button will disappear. This will be done when all relevant information in this WIKI is available in the form of articles.

First wizard step

  1. Press the Initialization wizard button on the startBoard. After this step, you can close (press Save and return) and open the wizard at any time via your startBoard. When you finish the wizard, it will no longer appear on your startBoard.

  2. Fill in all the fields on this page and add admin users (optional). All the settings are explained below.

Settings to be determined

Your email address: Passwords that are sent via this Wizard will all be sent to this email address. So for all users that are created in this step, the password email is sent to this email address. This gives you control as to when you want to send the password to the admin users.

Include: Add additional administrator users

  • Apart from the already added general support account, these are the accounts for the consultants doing the implementation. Make sure to add a personal account for each consultant, including yourself (instead of one general account), so that there is an overview of who made what change. Once you go to the next step, the administrator users are automatically generated, and the passwords are sent to your email address. These users still need to be set up as partner user if necessary.

  • The reason why you will use the new admin that is just created, is that the initial admin user is used for other purposes from this point. Each tenant requires an administrator user specifically designated for background tasks. This user is not intended for regular user activities, making it the designated background admin.

    (The wizard sets this initial user as “Administrator” ('client setting' button on your startBoard > general tab > setting administrator).)

  • You should also know that after one or more new admin users have been created, it is no longer possible to log in with the admin user you used to log in the first time. This is inherent to the license type “system admin” that this initial admin user has. Note: you cannot change/ set this license type.

  • Use the “Add administrator' button' to create additional admin users. Create a user for each consultant that is working on the project.

Be careful: Workplace makes unique admin username(s), we advise you not to change these. This way we prevent identical usernames for different environments, which would result in additional steps required for logging into the backup - and test environments.

Never change the user in the administrator field as this is being used for background tasks in the environment.

Administrator level

Administrators should always have the user profile “Administrator Workplace Management“ (this profile is assigned by default). There are three administrator levels available. Level 1 has the fewest rights, level 3 has the most access rights. View the help text by hovering over this option to see what access each level has.

The 3 levels of administrators are distinguished as follows:

  • Level 1 – Client level. This level will provide access to the most common functionalities that are applicable for a client administrator, like user management, user profile management, module settings, bin and archive management, etc. A level 1 administrator is able to switch to other users but will not be able to switch to level 2 or level 3 administrators. A level 1 administrator is also not able to upgrade him-/herself to a level 2 or level 3 administrator.

  • Level 2 – Configuration. This level will be used by the consultant which configures the client environment and enables the modules. This level will be sufficient when configuring a new default Workplace client. A Level 2 administrator is able to upgrade him-/herself to a Level 3 administrator, which will gain access to all customization options.

  • Level 3 – Customization. This level will provide access to all customization functionalities. 

Next step

  • When you finish all previous steps click: next step. Your changes will be saved, and the passwords will be sent.

  • Please note that it is not possible to go back to the first step of the wizard after you’ve clicked ‘Next step’.

  • Now login using the admin user(s) that were created. You can complete the rest of the wizard and future Module Activations using this admin user. After the admins have been created, you can no longer use the user credentials you used to log in the first time.

Second wizard step

After clicking next, your screen will look somewhat like this:

What to do

A few steps are essential to getting your environment ready to use. When you’ve finished a step you can mark the box as finished. The order in which you complete the “WHAT TO DO“ does not matter!
The checklist shown here is only used as a reminder. Marking a box as finished will not make any changes in the system.

1. Create partner users(s) for your your administrator user(s). This user will then not use a (client) license, and it allows you to log in with multiple sessions at the same time.
If this is your first time using the partner user functionality and you want to know more about this feature, please contact your Spacewell partner manager.

 How to create a partner user
  1. Open the admin user by pressing the full name hyperlink in the “Admin accounts” include;

  2. Click ‘Set partner user’;

  3. Fill in the user password (obtained from the login email) and the partner password;

  4. Press 'OK';

  5. The field ‘Partner user’ is now set to ‘yes’, and you can only log in using the partner password.

  6. Reopen the initialization wizard via your startBoard

Keep in mind: Creating a partner user is only possible when a partner client layer is set for the environment or when a partner client layer has been made available for your company. For details contact Workplace partner support or your Spacewell partner manager.

2. Send import files to the customer:

  • Complete the steps below for all data types that you want to import

  • These import files can be found in the include at the bottom of the page in the ‘Imports’ include. It is not mandatory to use all imports. In theory, you can even finish the initialization wizard without importing any data. You can always find the import files of already activated modules by clicking on the “Default imports” tile.

  • To download the template, open one of the import connectors by clicking on the reference.

  • Click: Generate import template. This will add a template in the ‘Template’ include.

  • Then you can immediately click the black download icon next to the loop icon.

  • These templates can be sent out directly to the client.

  • Because we can open and close the wizard at any time; the environment can now be closed. When you receive the import file back from the client, you can continue with the next step.

3. Check and convert the import files after receiving the import files from the client:

  • Open the received file and check if all mandatory columns are filled in currently.

  • Convert to CSV: open in import file in Excel > File > Export > Change file type > select 'CSV '> Save as;

Tip: To make sure the import file is correct, you can first import the files in on backup environment. When this is working correctly we can import directly in the production. Keep in mind the back-up environment is created during the night after initializing.

4. Importing the import files

  • Open the initialization wizard from your startBoard or go to the 'Default imports' overview on your startBoard

  • Click on the ‘Import’ tab at the bottom of the page;

  • Open the import by pressing the corresponding import reference;

  • Click Upload import file;

  • Select your file > the message “Importing the files will continue in the background.“ will appear on your screen.

  • The import will now run as a background task. After refreshing the page, you can view the progress of the background task via the background task symbol on the top right.

  • Once the import is done, the import will show documents in the “Generated import documents (last 24 hours)“ include. Always a ‘**-import' file, but if any issues occur, also a '***-error’ file. Those should be the way to check for errors (Is there an error file)

Keep in mind: while we download the import templates as Excel files, Workplace will only accept CSV UTF-8 files.

You don’t need to know the ins- and outs of importing when using the default import. However, if you run into an unexpected problem/ result, please check out this article on Import: Imports.

Optional settings to be determined

The logo and corporate identity settings are important for the look and feel of the environment.

  • Email logo The logo you upload here is used in all Workflow emails. Uploading the logo at this stage is recommended but not mandatory. The logo can be uploaded at a later stage.

  • By default, the 'Spacewell workplace” Corporate identity is set. How the corporate identity can be configured is explained in this article: Corporate identity.

Close wizard

When you’ve checked all the boxes you wanted to check, you can press ‘Close’ to close the wizard. This wizard will no longer be available after completion.

  • It’s not mandatory to close the wizard, so leave it open as long as you think you might still need it.

  • It is even possible to still have the initialization wizard open when you start a “Module Activation”

  • The button to start a “Module Activation” appears after finishing the first step of the initialization wizard.



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