Difficulty: novice
Learning Objectives
After reading this article, you’ll be able to:
Look up a location and its sensors
Show/hide locations to Workplace users
Login with your credentials
Choose Spaces
Spaces gives you a hierarchical representation of the location master data that has been defined in the underlying IWMS, and allows you to quickly check the health of your devices (KPI Health cards are explained in How to monitor Sensor Health).
Location Hierarchy & Overview
Location browser: search for location ID or reference
Breadcrumbs show location hierarchy (You can go back through breadcrumbs, location tree or browser)
Location hierarchy has a color icon showing the worst status of sensors in that location (if 1 sensor on the floor is offline, and 100 are connecting to the Workplace platform: the icon next to the floor will be red)
Location overview shows how many/which locations are underlying, how many devices are underlying and what is their connection status (the sum is visible in KPI health cards).
Location Scope & Filter
Define location scope: Depending on the use case, for example a phased roll-out with a limited scope, it might be desirable to only show a limited set of locations/offices/sites in the end-user touch points GO and Workplace app.
If the linked IWMS environment already has a vast location hierarchy defined in the system, the same might be inherited by Workplace IoT Platform (unless configured in the External App, defining which assets will be synced) and all the touch points, possibly making it unnecessarily complicated for the users.
The feature “Define location scope”, in which you can enable/disable locations in Studio, allows an administrator to limit the accessible location scope across all Workplace touch points.
Upon modification, it might take 5 minutes before the effect is visible on the Workplace touch points.
Behavior when a location is “disabled” (hidden for end users) in Workplace
In Studio, the location will not be visible in “Spaces”, unless “Show Disabled” is selected in the filter
In Studio, the location will be available in “Floorplan Views”, allowing the administrator to upload and configure floorplans
In Dashboards, the location will be available
On end-user touch points Go, Workplace App and Kiosk App, the location will not be visible (or appear in search results)
If sensors or devices are set up for this location:
Device Health will be visible in Workplace back-end Studio
Device Health Notification reports on the sensor health status (see Set up Notifications for Sensor Health )
(If you have sensors that you don’t want any health status information about, you should disable the sensor. Then they will not be considered “active sensors”, see https://spacewell.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KB/pages/60653569/Configure+devices+add+remove+import+export#Delete/Disable-Device)