- Go to https://studio.cobundu.com/
- Login with your credentials
- Choose Notifications
In the "Notifications" section in Studio, it is possible to configure notifications for tracking the health of installed devices. Rules can be created per building or per administrator, as needed.
When a notification is enabled, the administrator(s) receive a daily summary email containing the list of devices in statues "To check" or "Offline (see example below)
A notification rule exists out of the below fields:
- Buildings (scope)
- Administrators
- Notification time and timezone
- Language for the email message
Each rule can be enabled/disabled individually using a toggle button. It is also possible to enable/disable all rules at once.
Coming soon: The possibility to run a rule immediately for testing purposes, or to verify the device health in a building instantaneously. To enable this feature a "Run once" button will be introduced on the sensor health notification screen.
Example of send e-mail when Sensor Health Notifications are enabled
- The list is distributed per building
Last Connected info was only developed for this feature, ie for any devices added to Studio after summer 2021, this field will be filled in
- In the e-mail attachment, you'll find a csv file with all relevant information. This allows for filtering on building, floor, zone etc