This page describes the configuration that is needed to start using Kiosk Touchpoint
When launching the device, you are presented with 3 options:
Native android mode, which will allow you to set up the kiosk as an android device = preferred
Log in a with a customer google account > download the app from the store and configure through Device Control (see Device Control Platform (Kiosk App & Workplace App)).
Alternatively, go to the Spacewell Appstore and download the Kiosk App (= this means you'll have to manual update when a new version of the app is available). To use the official appstore, make sure to have a gmail account to log in.
Remember users can exit the app in this mode.
Use Device Control Platform (Kiosk App & Workplace App) to configure the Kiosk app on your device
Remember that a kiosk is like a new laptop: please connect to the WiFi so that it can run the necessary updates.
2. Elo view provides a big kiosk view, while allowing remote control of the kiosk. The license for this is not sold by Spacewell, so please subscribe with ELO to get these features unlocked.
When you have selected this option, but do not have a license from ELO, you'll get stuck in this mode while the device is waiting for content: The device expects an app to be remotely pushed from the ELOview platform
3. Developper mode, which is not to be used
Although the ELO view license is not sold by Spacewell, you might ask if it's useful to have:
It’s a remote device console where you can set the tablet settings and push our app in Kiosk-mode.
At moment of writing you can get a free trial before deciding whether to buy the subscription to the ELO platform.
The Home page is a dashboard with useful insights about the Kiosks running in your portfolio
From the DEVICES tab, you can add new devices and see the ones you have active in your portfolio
From the CONTENT tab, you can manually upload an APP or set a link to a WEB APP. When our app is updated, you’ll have to manually re-upload and re-drag it to your devices