As an administrator, the startboard you get is a bit different from the startboard a regular user has. This administrator startboard aims to provide the administrator with the most relevant options for his or her (daily) tasks.
The exact options on the startboard depend on the administrator level of your user. For more information on administrator levels, see Administrator levels. This article is focused on the option for a level 2 administrator. A level 2 administrator also has all the options a level 1 administrator has and has additional options related to enabling new modules. This article is only focused on the additional options for a level 2 administrator. For information on the level 1 options, refer to Administrator startboard (level 1)
Next to all the options described in the level 1 administrator startboard, This startboard contains the following additional options in the different button bars:
Information: This is a direct link to this knowledge base (lading page)
Module activation: With the Module activation, different processes can be set up quick and easy. For more information, see: Module activation.
Default imports: An overview of the default available imports. For these imports, there are default import templates available. For more information, see: Imports.
User profile management: The user profile management dashboard can be used to manage existing profiles, create new profiles and assign (mandatory) groups directly to one or more profiles. For more information, see: Creating and managing the user profiles.
Client settings: This gives an overview of all client settings, not related to specific modules (as those can be found via the module settings). For more information, see: Client settings.
Apart from the above-described function buttons, this startboard also contains the following additional overviews:
Not yet handled module activations:
Any module activation that is started, but not yet completely finished, will be shown in this overview, available to all level 2 & 3 administrators. For more information, see: Module activation.
Administrator navigation menu
As an administrator, the navigation menu you get has all of the same options each regular user has (for instance, the options to search in organizations and persons) and also has some administrator-specific options. These options are aimed towards providing the administrator with the most relevant options for his or her (daily) tasks. Some of the navigation menu option are also available as function buttons on the administrator startboard.
The exact options navigation menu depends on the administrator level of your user. Since the additional options for a level 2 administrator in the navigation menu, only contain options that are also available as additional option on the startboard which are already described above (e.g. the User profile management overview), please refer to the level 1 administrator navigation menu for information on the other options in the navigation menu for level 1 and 2 administrators.