GO - Create Reservation

GO - Create Reservation

Difficulty: novice

Learning Objectives

After reading this article, you’ll be able to:

  • Create a reservation in GO through Create Reservation feature

The Crowdedness indicator (takes into account reservation and/or occupancy data, see Workplace Glossary​) provides insight into the current activities in the selected building.

The “Favorite Rooms & Workplaces” lists (see GO - Favorites​) allow you to jump immediately to GO - Confirm Location Reservation screen for that location.


Quick search to obtain first results

  • Date

  • Time

  • for Rooms: Number of Participants

  • for Workplaces: Number of Participants in case of Group Booking (see GO - Group booking for workplaces)

  • Services & Equipment

Finetune the search results

For locations:

  • Floor (if multiple floors available in the building)

  • Space type

  • Location Groups

  • (IWMS) Location Categories

For Services & Equipment:

  • Category

For locations search (Rooms, Workplaces, Parking)

Select a card to jump to GO - Confirm Location Reservation screen, or switch from the grid (presenting all available results for the building) to floor plan view.

‪In the floor plan view: hover over a search result to highlight the location on the floor plan. You are directed to GO - Confirm Location Reservation screen when you click on the search result or on the location on the floor plan.


Verify all reservations you have made (for you or someone else) in GO - My Reservations.

For services & equipment search

  1. Switch between the Services and Equipment grid views to select the required services or equipment objects

  2. Use the left hand category filter or the search in the top right corner to drill down the results.

  3. In the footer, see how many services or equipment objects you already selected for this reservation.

  4. Confirm your selection to jump to GO - Confirm standalone Services Equipment Reservation screen

Good to know

  • Grid view presents all available results for the building; floor plan view presents results per floor.

  • “Searching results X/Y available” indicates how many locations match (X) with the Search out of the total available objects (Y): the listed locations are available for reservation in the search time frame.

  • For Space Type Room, it’s possible to indicate “Number of Participants” in the Search. For Workplace and Parking types, this number is automatically set to 1.

  • Sort option allows Result sorting on Name (A-Z and Z-A), Capacity (Low-High and High-Low) and Availability.

    • Availability is only relevant for searches including the present time, and for locations where occupancy data is gathered. Availability will sort the search results from “not occupied” to “occupied”.

  • The Space Type drop down is populated based on the available reservable spaces in the building.

    • If you’re looking at a park deck with only parking spaces, you will only see “a parking” in the drop down.

    • If it’s a flex office building where only meeting rooms are made reservable, you’ll only see “a room”

  • Reservation timeline takes into account setup and cleanup times defined for the location in IWMS



