GO - Group booking for workplaces

GO - Group booking for workplaces

Difficulty: novice


Learning Objectives

After reading this article, you’ll be able to:

  • Create a group booking of workplaces for (yourself and) your colleagues

On GO - Create Reservation, it’s possible to book several workplaces at once.

This feature is only available when a floor plan is configured.


1. On Go Webportal, select Create Reservation

2. Select Group Booking


The maximum number of workplaces for one group booking is 20.


3. Select the names of your colleagues, through Search or select from

  • Favorite Colleagues list

  • Recent History

  • configured Contact Groups

Your logged-in-user is preselected. It’s possible to remove this selection.


4. Workplace will present a floor with the available workplaces for the selected time frame. Select the relevant number of workplaces required.


5. The desks are assigned to your colleagues. Add a Reservation Title that your colleagues will see when the reservation pops up in their GO - My Reservations screen.


6. Reservation confirmation



