Verify a reservation

Verify a reservation

Difficulty: novice

Learning Objectives

After reading this article, you’ll be able to:

  • Verify reservations made by you

  • Verify reservations made by others for you

You made a reservation and want to look into it? Or someone made a reservation for you and you want to check on something?


There are different ways to verify your reservations:

  • On the home screen “Ongoing Events” & “Upcoming Events” cards show your upcoming reservations

  • Use the My Reservations action button to look at all the reservations made by and for you, see Home Screen Components | Actions

  • In Resource Detail Screen > timeline tab, the reservations for the selected resource are shown.

Ongoing & Upcoming Events

Ongoing Events

‪All your ongoing events are displayed.

‪Each meeting has 2 options

  • Extend : add 15 or 30min to your reservation (changes end-time of the reservation)

  • End : end the meeting (changes end-time to current time)

Upcoming Events

‪Events taking place in the next 7 days for the logged in user are displayed in this card.

‪Maximum of 3 records are displayed. ‘View all’ option is displayed after the 3rd record if user has more than 3 upcoming events

‪On selecting ‘View all’ option, “View Events” screen is displayed

‪User is navigated to ‘Meeting details’ screen when selecting any meeting

My Reservations

All upcoming reservations of the logged in user are displayed in this screen.

Multiple tabs allow you to search a specific reservation:

  • choose between Rooms, Workplaces, Parking, Equipment, Services to check on reservations that include any of these objects

    • the list shows reservations made by you for yourself, and reservations made by others in your name

  • choose “Managed” to load reservations you have made for another user

By default, events taking place in the next 7 days are displayed. Past meetings are not displayed.

Select “Load events” at the bottom to display more reservations (loading events per 7 days).


A tag highlights who made the reservation (if not you) or whom you made the reservation for.


Personal / Managed toggle is visible as soon as there are reservations in the (near) future for which you are the reservation responsible and also you made reservations for other people.

You will not see Personal / Managed toggle if

  • you only have reservations in your own name for the near future (all shown are “Personal”)

  • you only made reservations for others (all shown are “Managed”)

Reservation Detail Screen

Select any Reservation to see Reservation details (date/time) and take action:

  • Edit booking details : you’re navigated to ‘Edit booking’ screen where user can edit the meeting details

  • Cancel booking : you can cancel the meeting

  • icon “View on floor plan”: you’re navigated to ‘Floor plan’ screen and meeting room/workplace/parking space is highlighted on the plan



