Workplace Management (23.2)

Workplace Management (23.2)

Release date 13-05-2023




Release note


Release note


Facility Management:

A new setting is added to the general reservation settings: ReservationSettings.multipleWorkplaceReservations (true/false). If this is set to false, a user is not allowed to reserve more than one workplace at the same time (areas with area type 'Workplace") and will get an error if doing so.

For existing customers, this setting is set to 'True' as to not change existing behavior.,


Facility Management:

When using the Workplace Experience app:

The option to reserve on behalf was added in the 22.1 release. This made it possible per user to indicate if this user could reserve on behalf of other users.

In this release, a general setting is added (ContactSetting.defaultReserveOnBehalf) which can be used to determine the default value for the setting per user, for every new user that is created.


Facility Management:

A new client field (AreaSettings.qrCodeReference) will be available that allows a parameter to be filled in (e.g  {$ssolink}). This will fill the field qrCodeReference (and thus generate a QR code) on each Area (with empty qrCodeReference) based on the parameter (In the example, the sso-link to that Area) via a background task.


User Interface:

In a user profile configuration, it is possible to indicate that a user should be able to select their language via the top rights corner (Without needing to open their profile), this list of languages did not use any filtering. This has been changed to use the same filtering (if applicable) as is used on the field on the user/contact page.


User Interface:

The navigation menu option 'Condition Maintenance' is renamed to 'Maintenance Planning', which better suits the name of this module.


Requests and LTMP:

If a request is created for an asset (element) that also has planned work activities (used in long-term maintenance planning), the service desk can now see an overview of these activities in the request in a new include (so they can make a more informed decision on how which actions to take.



Two new property categories have been added:

-Geographical area


These can be used for hierarchal structures in properties and are also often used in combination with workplace experience.



A new tab is available on the page of a property:

'Valuations'.  This tab will be available based on a new general setting, found on the masterDate tab.

Via this tab, valuations can be added in which different valuations (E.g Market value, tax value) can be added with a date stamp)


Personal settings:

A new startboard button has been added:

 'My settings'

Via this option, every user can always navigate to their settings, As end-users cannot always navigate to their user profile via the upper right profile options. 

This settings page has been optimized and now also offers users the ability to upload their photo, as this photo is also used in some of the functionalities in the workplace app.

N.B: users that did not have the option to navigate to their settings before, now also do not have the option to change their username or password (As to avoid issues and confusion when (for instance) using SSO to login).


Intake/issue catering:

Users with the task to hand out catering in a reservation did not have the option to change the quantity of a reservation item (in order to register the actually delivered catering). This has been changed so they can change this field from now on.


Contract items:

The page of a contract item has been slightly changed. Some none relevant fields have been removed and other fields (financially related) are only displayed if the contract is being invoiced.



It was not yet possible to copy a checklist version. This has been added and makes it easier to create a new checklist version based on an earlier version (without needing to create every question again).


Administrators: Default regime:

In a new client, an empty (For office work hours) regime was automatically created. Since this was not always relevant and caused issues in some cases (if left empty), this has been removed.

Next to that, from now on if a regime is (Mannulay) created via the module settings, tab 'Regimes', a default availability is also added (Workdays 07:00-18:00), to avoid regimes without any availabilities. This default availability can of course be changed as desired.


Administrator: Solution-based rollout - Employee inflow/outflow:

A solution-based rollout for Employee inflow/outflow is added. This rollout guides the administrator through the setup of the process, with all process-relevant options and settings directly available from the rollout.


Administrator: Manage (area) categories:

Via the module settings, tab 'Masterdata', an include is added in which area categories can be managed more easily (Also for a level 1 administrator (Client admin).

Via this option, it is easy to create custom area categories with the correct settings and relevant page already filled in).

Next to that, in general, the page of a category has been optimized for better usability.


Administrator: Area import:

It is now optional to use the client's area references (Area numbers) in the import of areas instead of only having the system generate the references.



Release note


Release note


Facility Management:

When reserving assets, it is possible to reserve one asset object more than once (E.g one asset with quantity 20, so a user can select the asset and set the quantity to reserve to 10). However, if the user sets the quantity to reserve to more than the total quantity, no error was given. This has been fixed.



When balance invoices were created due to an invoice setoff of incoming invoices, the balance account was incorrectly set to a receivables account instead of a payables account. This has been fixed.


Other (Functionals):

In some cases, due to data not being available in a cache, email messages from a workflow could not be sent directly. This has been fixed.


Other (Functionals):

As an admin, when using the function 'Override parameters' on a page that by itself was already an override, an incorrect error was given that the page already existed. This has been fixed


Vat tables:

Vat tables were only available if the financial module was used. Since it is also possible to set a vat rate in contract items and catalog items without further use of the financial module, the vat tables are now also shown as included on the master data (If catalog items are used) and contract module setting pages.

Next to that, a vat item only shows a limited set of fields if the financial module is not used



In some cases, when creating a reservation on behalf of another user, the other user could not change or add items to the reservation. This has been fixed.


Corrective work orders:

When changing the responsible person in a corrective work order, this user did not see the cancel function. This has been fixed.

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