Streamlined reservation experience in Web App (GO)
Create, view and edit a reservation was already available in the following scenarios
From live data view when checking availability
From create a reservation section, after selecting an available space to reserve
From my reservations, after selecting view details
The final screen where users could create, view or edit a reservation was different depending on the path followed by the user.
Redesign of the reservation screen
The new reservation screen brings together
Information about the space, including the picture, sensor information and other relevant details
A timeline displaying the availability of the space
The option to view or modify an existing reservation
The option to create a new reservation, including multi day reservations
Unified flow for creating, viewing and editing a reservation
The new create, view and edit reservation screen will be available in the following scenarios:
From live data view when checking availability
From create a reservation section, after selecting an available space to reserve
From my reservations, after selecting view details
From find a colleague, after selecting an available space nearby a colleague
The reason for introducing this redesign is to enhance the user experience of our reservation system. By integrating a re-usable create, view and edit reservation screen, users can now create new reservations, view room availability, and edit existing reservations in one convenient richer reservation screen. This enhancement aims to make the reservation process more streamlined and improve the overall user experience, regardless of the path followed by the user. Additionally, it also paves the way for future additions.