Workplace Intune App

Workplace Intune App

Difficulty: novice

Learning Objectives

After reading this article, you’ll be able to:

  • Identify the difference between Spacewell “Workplace” app and “Workplace Intune” App


If your company uses Intune as device management, you can use the “Workplace Intune” App for iOS.

You can recognize this Intune supported app by the little icon on the top right in the app logo.

What is Intune?

From What is Microsoft Intune : “Microsoft Intune is a cloud-based endpoint management solution. It manages user access and simplifies app and device management across your many devices, including mobile devices, desktop computers, and virtual endpoints.

How to set up Intune?

Documentation is publicly available here Microsoft Intune documentation
Please note that Intune is a Microsoft product, which can be used for different purposes (SSO, device management, …, it depends highly on the use). Spacewell does not provide any support in setting it up.

Is there a difference between the “Workplace” app and “Workplace Intune” App?

The Intune version is a different version of the standard Workplace app and can be used by customers using Intune (a Mobile Device Management system managed by Microsoft).
This app is available on the iOS Appstore and can be recognized by the little logo in the right upper corner of the logo, as well as in the name of the app.
The reason it requires a separate app is because the standard app cannot be installed in Microsoft Intune. This article explains how your customer can add the iOS Workplace application to the customer Microsoft Intune environment: Add iOS store apps to Microsoft Intune


  • There is no difference in functionality. The intune app offers the same functionalities as The Workplace App.

  • Workplace app is available for iOS and Android. “Workplace Intune” App is only available for iOS.

  • Since it’s a completely different app however, there will be a difference in version number.

  • Also the release on the official store might be different, since Apple screens the apps before release and it’s not possible to influence this.

Is Intune app available for Android?

Intune integration with Android is not possible. The framework we use for our apps Xamarin.Android + MVVMCross is not Intune supported.


Be sure to check the System Requirements mentioned per platform on Appstore.



