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Simon de Jager


Last edited









Nature of issues

There are several issues that have rissen in previous projects.
Issues have been rissen of the following natures:

  1. Hub connectivity
  2. Sensor connectivity
  3. Inaccurate data


Difficulty: starter


Table of Contents

Learning Objectives

After reading this article, you’ll be able to:

  • Start troubleshooting Browan sensor projects

Always learning from projects, this page addresses the most common issues encountered in Browan sensor projects.

Gateway connectivity

In most cases Hub connectivity issues are due to a wrong firewall configuration of the firewall


However a case has been encountered (Collins aerospace) with a hub certificate mismatch on the server side due to an outdated firmware version.
This issue has been resolved.

Should you encounter a similar issue, please contact Simon de Jager (Unlicensed).

The switch to The Things Networks will eliminate the chance of encountering these issues

Sensor connectivity

We encountered multiple cases where the sensors didn't connect to the hub.

All these cases were caused by installing the sensors before the hub.


: make sure to check the List of IP addresses for outgoing traffic that is relevant for your gateway.

Make sure the gateway is configured as per the installation instructions.

See LoRa Gateways / Hubs installation guides

Sensor connectivity

In most cases where the sensors don’t connect to the Workplace Platform, either the gateway is not working or the sensors were installed/activated before the gateway was confirmed working.

  • In the first case (gateway not working): make sure the gateway is connecting to the platform by following above troubleshooting instructions.

  • In the last case (sensors not connecting to the gateway): remove the battery, wait for the capacitors to be drained (several hours, preferably over night), and insert a fresh battery.


In some cases the battery still provides enough power. We do recommend to always change the battery, as we can not tell how far the battery has drained.

This page describes more steps to follow concerning sensor connectivity: Sensor troubleshooting guide

Inaccurate data

Inaccurate data can have several causes.


Make sure to check:

  1. Do the sensor


  1. IDs and location comply with


  1. deployment?

  2. Are the sensors linked to the correct floor/building?

  3. Are the sensors places optimally according to the


  1. Browan Sensors installation guides?

  2. How are the sensors placed?
    Pictures help:

    1. What does a desk look like?

    2. What is the orientation of the sensor?

    3. Are the desks placed in


    1. hallways? If so how wide is a


    1. hallway?

    2. What are the dimensions of a desk? Height, width, depth?

  1. Are all sensors placed using the same method?


  1. Check if Quality Assurance Occupancy/Utilization Sensor has been performed. In case of doubt: go through the steps again

  2. Does each location have the correct number of sensors linked to it


  1. (


  1. usually 1 desk = 1


  1. motion sensor)


  1. ? See Sensor Management

Next steps

See Sensor troubleshooting guide


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