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Table of Contents

Difficulty: expert


Table of Contents

Learning Objectives

After reading this article, you’ll be able to:

  • Configure the necessary assets in the PointGrab™ Platform

  • Configure the device to its location in the Workplace Platform

This guide focuses on the configuration of the Pointgrab devices on the


PointGrab™ Platform and Workplace back-end Studio.


As a prerequisite, we assume a configured asset tree


in the PointGrab™ Platform, in which a floorplan is uploaded.

For a more detailed understanding of the


PointGrab™ Platform, please consult the /wiki/spaces/KB/pages/492295 manual.


Deploy sensors


in PointGrab™ Platform

Link the device


IDs from the physical installation to the sensors device name (include area name, customer name (eg customer_area_floor number_room number_X))

Manual mode:

  1. Click the device manager tab
  2. Search the device name in the list or by typing in the search box
  3. Select the line of the device name
  4. Click the link iconImage Removed
  5. In the Serial Number field, enter the serial number that is labeled on the sensor (with dashes).
  6. Click Link and verify the sensor’s Link Status icon in the table

CSV mode:


View file
namevdab test.csv


Defining areas CPMS



Before linking a new sensor device, the sensor must be powered up and have internet access to the PointGrab™ cloud (make sure to check the PointGrab hardware & network requirements).

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Manually Import Commissioning Data


Make sure to cross-check the serial number written on the back of the PointGrab sensor.

  1. Use the search and paging options to find the device.

  2. Click the “Link Device” symbol/button on the right hand side. The Link dialog is displayed.

  3. In the Serial Number field, enter the serial number written on the ethernet port on the back of the PointGrab sensor. Serial numbers should be inserted using the following format: xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxxxx-xxxx. Almost all sensors linked to Spacewell start with identifier 4000023-1401-xxxxxx-xxxx.

  4. Click Link and verify that the sensor’s Link Status icon in the table changes to the “linked” symbol.

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You can only link one device at a time.

Import & Export Commissioning Data from a File

Please check out the complete description and example of batch uploading devices as described on /wiki/spaces/KB/pages/492295.

Define areas in PointGrab™ Platform

Following the steps described in the /wiki/spaces/KB/pages/492295, define the areas where the sensors will measure headcounts (eg. different workplaces to be covered by 1 Pointgrab sensor)


Don’t forget: all of these areas need to be within the Detection Area (check





more information on Detection Area linked to Installation Height)



Even if the Detection Area might be large enough to cover more than 10 work places,


PointGrab™ has a limit to max 10 areas per device, so if you create more in


PointGrab™ Platform, the device will appear offline.


  1. Click the Add Area button. The Add Area dialog is displayed.
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  2. In the Area Name field, include device name, customer name (eg customer_floor number_area)
    1. Tip: Make sure device ID + MCS location is referenced everywhere, so that in Studio you can use the simple search function

    2. Tip: do not to set the name of a tenant with number at the beginning (eg tenant name "3F")
  3. In the Update Frequency field, enter the frequency in seconds at which the sensor will send notifications.
  4. For optimal performance, in the Type field, select the type of the area you want to add. 
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  5. In the Center X field, enter the X coordinate in meters of the area’s center.
  6. In the Center Y field, enter the Y coordinate in meters of the area’s center.
  7. In the Area Width field, enter the area’s horizontal dimension in meters.
  8. In the Area Length field, enter the area’s vertical dimension in meters.
  9. Optionally, click in the Select Devices field, then select the checkboxes of the devices whose detection areas you want to cover the new area. This can be useful, for example, if you have some knowledge about occlusions in the sensors’ views, and you want to choose the optimal sensor/s for covering your new area.
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  10. Click Save. The area is added and displayed both in the Search pane and as a blue rectangle (assuming it’s a valid area) in the floor plan.

Finetuning CPMS

Finetune the location of the area and the sensor device by comparing the live view and the on site situation

Deploying sensors in Bohemian and on your tenant

Inquire the list of the sensors (Sensors ID) and import those into Bohemian

 You should use download/upload excel function of the bohemian with correct sensor ID, Sensor Model and organization/tenant.

Make sure all your sensors are deployed in Bohemian before you use them in your tenant.


Finetune PointGrab™ Platform

Finetune the location of the area and the sensor device by comparing the live view and the on site situation.

Deploy sensors in your Workplace tenant 



Deploying sensors in Workplace is only possible after some very specific configuration of the customer in the Pointgrab platform:

Spacewell Implementation Consultants should

  • make sure customer is added to PointGrab Management Platform app-account MCSs2 (Every time you add a new branch, you must also give access to see this branch for user MCSs2, which is used by Workplace): PointGrab Management Platform > User Manager > Find MCSs2 > Edit > Click on Assets Tree > setup all needed check boxes > click Apply > click Save on the main window

  • make sure the Workplace tenant ID is mentioned between “_” after customer name


Remember that the Workplace floor plan should reflect the Pointgrab floor plan.

Add New Device in Workplace back-end Studio


Only after the next data package is send, data for this sensor will be visible in your tenant. (This means that depending on time of


provisioning to


your tenant and activity at the customer site, this can take a while.)


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  1. Go to



  1. )


  1. Select the location, where you can manually add a Pointgrab area via "Add New Device"

  2. Select "PointGrab" in Device Type

    1. this will automatically select the relevant channels for PointGrab (Headcount, Footfall-in and Footfall-out)

    2. if you want to disable one or more of these channels (when for example in your project, the PointGrab devices will only be used for Headcount), you can click on the "Advanced" button and scroll down to modify Advanced Sensor Details. Only do this after approval of your Spacewell Consultant.

  3. Select the detection area (that has been set up in PointGrab Management Platform beforehand) from the Device ID drop down list

    1. If there is no drop down list (and you could just type something in the Device ID field), then troubleshoot the set up, see

  4. Give a meaningful name: include device name,


  1. tenant name (eg






  1. tenant_floor number_area)


    1.  Make sure device ID


    1. + location are referenced everywhere, so that in Studio you can use the simple search function 


  1. Select a Location from the location tree if this is already known (automatically filled in if location was selected before adding new device).

Good to know: there might be more or less physical devices than locations in Workplace


  • multiple sensors are used to cover 1 count area

  • 1 sensor is used to cover multiple count areas

Multiple sensors to cover 1 count area (for example: meeting room too large, needs 2 or more sensors)

1. In Pointgrab, multiple sensors might need to be installed to track 1 location (eg if the detection area does not cover the whole room)

2. With overlapping detection areas, these devices will be stitched together in the platform, to make sure that the combined detection areas of the multiple sensors match the required count area.

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3. In Studio, select the Pointgrab Area to match the Spacewell location

4. In Spacewell Utilization view, the sum of the people detection count of all the sensors in the area will be presented for the location.

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1 sensor to cover multiple count areas (for example: sensor used to track workplace occupancy)

1. A Pointgrab sensor might be installed to track multiple locations (eg if the detection area covers multiple desks)

2. In Pointgrab Platform, count areas from this 1 device in the platform, to make sure that data from the separate count areas is gathered individually.

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3. In Studio, select the Pointgrab Area to match the Spacewell location

4. In Spacewell Utilization view, the sum of the people detection count per count area will be presented for the location.

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Quality Assurance

Verify Quality Assurance steps in Quality Assurance Occupancy and Utilization Sensor

Next steps

Once data is flowing into the Workplace Platform, Configure Space monitor.

In case you encounter any issue with your devices, don’t hesitate to check PointGrab troubleshooting.


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