Forgot/change your password

Forgot/change your password

If your organization uses Single Sign-On (SSO), you don't need a password to log in. Instead, you will be logged in automatically via the organizations identity provider (e.g. Microsoft). If this is the case, the content of this article is not applicable.

Forgot password

If you forgot your password, you can use the 'Forgot password' functionality on the log in screen to request a new password.

Forgot password functionality on the log in screen

After clicking on the 'Forgot password' button, the user needs to enter the user account details (Username and Email).


If the username and email address match, a verification token is sent to the provided email address. The user can now enter a new password with the verification token.

After entering the wrong password three times, your user account will be deactivated for security reasons. You can request a new password, but this will not automatically activate your account again. If your user account is deactivated, please contact your system administrator to have it activated again.

Change password via your user profile

When a password change is mandatory, or you would like to update your password for security reasons, you can easily change your password via your personal settings. Via the startboard, the button 'My settings' can be used to access the user page.

Changing the username can also be done via the 'Change username/password' screen, but it depends if this is actually possible. Only if it is allowed by the organization to change the username and if the user information is not imported from another user management application, the username can be changed via the same screen.