Uploading and viewing documents
Documents can be used in many modules/processes or can be manually uploaded in Workplace Management without any context. For example, a picture can be uploaded when a user creates a new request, a new photo of the user can be uploaded on the user page, attachments can be added to emails send to visitors, etc.
Below some more information about uploading new documents, uploading new document versions and document previews.
Upload a new document
Via document list uploader
Uploading a new document can be done in a few different ways. The most common way is via an ‘uploader’. An uploader is usually shown on a document list. A document list is usually used as a tab or as an include.
Documents can simply be dragged and dropped into the uploader or the 'Select files' button can be used to navigate to the folder on the users desktop, laptop, phone, etc. Uploaded documents will directly be shown in the document list above the uploader.
Via document field
Uploading a new document can also be done directly in a document field. A document can be dragged and dropped in the field or the paperclip can be used to navigate to the folder on the users desktop, laptop, phone, etc.
Via the three dots, a document list is opened, where already uploaded documents can be (re)selected or new documents can be uploaded via the uploader (see previous chapter).
Upload a new version of an existing document
If the user want to upload a new version of a document, the existing document can be opened and the 'Upload' button can be used.
The newly uploaded version will automatically become the active version. All versions can be found via the ‘Versions’ tab.
Preview a document
A preview of the document can be opened via the loop on a list page.
On the document the preview can also be clicked to open a bigger preview.