Reservation Insights
Difficulty: novice
Learning Objectives
After reading this article, you’ll be able to:
interpret data from the Reservation Insights Dashboard
Reservation Insights dashboard provides insight in the historical reservation data. The question it tries to answer is: “Based on data of reservations that are not cancelled, how can we optimize usage and learn from usage patterns?”
Historical data means that the visualized data in the dashboard was gathered until yesterday. The current Reservations Insights will load data from 01/07/2022 (hard coded date).
Reservation Insights covers all reservable categories (Rooms, Workplaces, Parking and Equipment, Services)
Metric definitions
# Reservations: number of reservations that are NOT cancelled
Reservation rate: Hours reserved / (Hours available x Nr of reservable items) -> calculated per hour
Avg duration: Avg (Hours reserved / Nr of Reservations)
Avg leadtime: Avg (Start date – Creation date)
“Summary” page
“Metrics per Building” page
“Reservation Patterns” page
“Reservable items” page
“Distribution” page
“Calendar” page
“Data” page
“Scope” page
Metric definitions
# Reservations: number of reservations that are NOT cancelled
Reservation rate: Hours reserved / (Hours available x Nr of reservable items) -> calculated per hour
Avg duration: Avg (Hours reserved / Nr of Reservations)
Avg leadtime: Avg (Start date – Creation date)
More information
Frequently Asked Questions on Dashboards
Check out FAQ on Dashboards
How to navigate the Dashboards