Workplace Management (23.5)

Workplace Management (23.5)

Release date 18-11-2023



Release note


Release note



The administrator start board has two new overviews:

— Script schedulers that have failed (So administrators can quickly resolve the problem and enable the script scheduler again)
— Users that are disabled (Administrators can activate these users again if they, for instance, have been disabled due to incorrect login attempts) or archive the users to free up the licenses

Both overviews are only visible if they contain any data.



Solution-based rollout – Advanced assurance documents

A solution-based rollout for Advanced assurance documents is added. This rollout guides the administrator through the setup of the process, with all process-relevant options and settings directly available from the rollout.



Solution-based rollout – External reservations

A solution-based rollout for External reservations is added. This rollout guides the administrator through the setup of the process, with all process-relevant options and settings directly available from the rollout.



Solution-based rollout – Incoming invoices

A solution-based rollout for Incoming invoices is added. This rollout guides the administrator through the setup of the process, with all process-relevant options and settings directly available from the rollout.



Solution-based rollout – Inventory management

A solution-based rollout for inventory management is added. This rollout guides the administrator through the setup of the process, with all process-relevant options and settings directly available from the rollout.



Solution-based rollout – Limited Assurance documents

A solution-based rollout for limited assurance documents is added. This rollout guides the administrator through the setup of the process, with all process-relevant options and settings directly available from the rollout.



Solution-based rollout – LTMP work orders

A solution-based rollout for LTMP work orders is added. This rollout guides the administrator through the setup of the process, with all process-relevant options and settings directly available from the rollout.



Solution-based rollout – Outgoing invoices

A solution-based rollout for Outgoing invoices is added. This rollout guides the administrator through the setup of the process, with all process-relevant options and settings directly available from the rollout.



Solution-based rollout – Purchase orders

A solution-based rollout for purchase orders is added. This rollout guides the administrator through the setup of the process, with all process-relevant options and settings directly available from the rollout.



Solution-based rollout – Workplace Experience as a complete solution

A solution-based rollout for Workplace Experience as a solution is added (Next to the rollout of the module). This rollout guides the administrator through the setup of the process, with all process-relevant options and settings directly available from the rollout. As a solution, it includes the relevant master data modules and it also generates the default profiles.



The (level 2 & 3) administrator start board option 'Solution-based rollout' (To enable a new module) has been renamed to 'Module activation'.
This name is more accurate and clear.



From now on, new modules can only be activated via the solution-based rollouts option on the administrator start board (open to level 2 & 3 administrators), instead of just enabling the module via the module settings. This is to make sure any relevant tasks or dependencies are also automatically handled or checked, and the module settings only show already active modules, making the module settings more user-friendly.


Anonymizing archived users:

Via the client settings → authentication tab, it is possible to indicate that users who have been archived (Manually, or for instance via a custom script after an active directory integration) must be anonymized automatically X days after being archived.

This will automatically pseudonymize (Clear the field or replace by “*”) all the relevant default fields on the system users, as well as the linked contact and person object. The linked contact and person will also be archived during the process if not already archived.

Anonymizing (user) dataarchived


Anonymizing reservations:

Via the Module settings → Reservations tab, it is possible to indicate that reservations must be anonymized automatically X days after the end time of the reservation.

This will automatically anonymize those reservations by replacing the name and description with a “*” and changing all the contact fields to the general system administrator, as well as for any directly linked objects (Reservation items, workflow case, etc.). Any visitors or participants linked to the reservation are decoupled from the reservation.

If the reservation is part of a recurring reservation, the recurring reservation is anonymized once the last reservation of the series is anonymized.

Anonymizing (user) dataarchived


Area imports:

The area import templates now provide the option to add client-specific categories (by the consultant) and create the areas in these categories during the import.



The pages of the different area categories have been slightly modified to show more relevant fields for some categories (e.g., the main area now looks more like the property page) and the fields have been ordered and grouped a bit more logically.

The main area and floor area page now also show a graph (Via an include) displaying the number of sub-areas;s per type or category.

Apart from that, the area type field is no longer editable but is automatically updated based on the area category (As was already the case, but the type could still be changed).



A new field is added to the Asset object: CapacityUnitCodeId. The asset object already had a capacity field, but no field to indicate the unit code of the capacity (E.g. KG or Liters).



A new module setting is added to enable country-specific default legislation (Currently only Dutch legislation is available as a default). Without this enabled, only customer-specific legislation is available.



Whether a field change would lead to a reload of the page always depended on the setting (reload) on the object field. The page field now also has a setting 'reload' and is used to determine if a page must be reloaded. Every existing page field has been updated with the setting based on the object field, and every new page field will also get this setting set based on the object field setting.


Default import optimizations:

Some optimizations have been made to the default imports:

— Instead of downloading the Excel templates in the language of the user, the Excel templates themselves support multiple languages, with the option to switch the language in the first tab (only Dutch and English are available).

— The descriptions of the columns in all the Excel import templates have been improved, and more extensive explanations have been added.

  • When a default import is generated, the default Excel template is also directly generated for that import (this makes it easier for version management, as the import mappings themselves are also copied to the client from now on). For already generated import connectors, a red text might appear, informing the administrator what to do.

  • Because the import mappings will be copied to the client instead of using the baseline version, it also becomes a lot easier to add custom fields to the import mappings. All the already generated default import connectors for existing clients have also been updated to use a copy of the baseline mappings.

  • Since the Excel template is generated directly when generating the import connector, downloading the Excel template will not result in a document in the 'Template' including the import connector, but will directly download the template onto the computer of the user, saving a few clicks.


Enabling Cost Centers:


Previously, the use of cost centers could only be enabled by enabling the financial module. Since cost centers can also be used in Space management and contracts, without the use of the rest of the financial module, this can now be enabled directly via the Master data module settings tab, this will enable the navigation menu option, without enabling all the other financial module navigation menu options.


Apart from the existing 'Purchase' and 'Financial administrator' groups that have access to this menu option, a new group is added 'Edit Cost centers'.


Additionally, the Cost center navigation menu option is moved from the 'Purchase' header to the 'Accounting' header (and shown based on whether the financial module or cost centers are used (instead of if the purchasing module is used)


Energy meters:

The catalog item category 'Energy' has been renamed to 'Meter type' (as that describes it better).


Module settings:

The module setting tabs have been slightly changed:

  • Some modules were on one page (E.g. Requests and ITIL), these have been split, and each module has its settings page.

  • To avoid too many tabs next to each other, the different module setting pages are grouped together in pull downs per similar modules (E.g. Work orders will show corrective work orders, preventative work orders, and LTMP work orders tab).


Performance improvements:

Performance improvements have been made regarding text searches (e.g., searching for certain objects based on text fields which also include reference fields)


Performance improvements:

Improvements have been made to how workflow triggers (automatic tasks) are being handled by the server, limiting the buildup of a backlog of these triggers.


Recurring reservations:

If an existing single reservation is changed into a recurring one, a copy will be used as the template for the recurring and the single will attempt to be canceled, instead of using the original as the template.
This will make sure that if it is no longer allowed to cancel a reservation (for instance due to cost), the reservation will also not 'disappear' when creating a recurring based on it.



A new user group is added: FMB-G151 2. View requests. This group is available if the request module is enabled and gives users access to the requests navigation menu options and all requests.


Security improvement:
Cookie management

Improved security for cookie management.


Security improvement:
Cross site request forgery:

Improve security against cross site request forgery by disallowing certain request parameters


Security improvement:
Cross-site scripting (XSS) prevention

Several changes have been implemented to prevent XSS attacks.


Space Management:

A new module setting is available via the master data settings tab: 'Use Space management'. If Space management is enabled, the following new options appear (For users with the group “3. Edit properties and areas”):

— Space management menu option under the 'Properties” heading. This gives an overview of all buildings and floors, including the number of workplaces per building and floor, the option to quickly add buildings with some floors, and some reports about costs per m2 per department, cost center, or employee.

— A new field on the main area to fill in the m2 price of the building (used in the reports about costs per m2)

— New tabs on a floor, to be able to upload floor plans (SVG only), generate the areas based on the floor plan, and view floor plans (Different views available: Per category, per department, per cost-center, etc.)

— New Allocation tab to manage the allocation of areas (Link a department, cost center, or fill in just the number of people allocated to the area), which is used in the floor plan views and the cost per m2 views.


Timezone on address:

A timezone field has been added to the address object (This is needed for some Experience and Analytic dashboards). A timezone field has also been added to the 'Country' object and is automatically set for every country that only has 1 timezone.

Every address that has a country with a timezone set also has the timezone set based on that country.

For addresses that are in countries without one specific timezone, it is also possible to automatically set the timezone on the address via a new field on the Address object: 'enableTimeZoneAPI'. If this is set to true, the (Google) timezone API will be used to set the timezone based on the longitude/latitude (Which are already automatically set based on the address details).


User profile management dashboard:

The option to quickly assign the profiles to users has been added to the User profile management dashboard found on the administrator starboard.
This option is added to the first overview (Available user profiles). This makes sure that the User profile management dashboard can be used for all relevant steps in managing the user profiles.



Release note


Release note



If automatically generating QR codes is enabled for assets, duplicating an asset will lead to a duplicate QR code. This has been fixed, duplicating an Asset will generate a new QR code for that new asset.


Change username/password option for users:

A user did not have access to the 'Change username/password' function on his or her profile if the profile was configured to only show contact details in the profile menu. Since this is not a correct determination for this, the check is now on the user profile configuration setting 'Blanc page after logout', as that is used to make sure a user does not get a login screen after login out (due to using SSO). So, only if that setting is enabled, will users no longer have the function to 'Change username/password' if they open their profile.

N.B: If the username can be changed at all by users is also a general setting found via the module settings in the first tab (Change username)


Simple assurance document:

The group 1. Create simple assurance document now also have ‘View’ rights to DocumentVersion object for create simple assurance documents. The user can now also see the document versions uploaded by a colleague.


Catalog item categories:

Not all the catalog item categories had a description, these have been added.
These descriptions are shown to the user when choosing a new category to create a new catalog item in.



In some cases, when opening the category overview of an object, an error message was displayed 'Try to refine your search. Too many items found: 1000'. This has been fixed.


Corporate identity:

A Corporate identity (used to display the colors and logo of a client) can consist of sub-items (used to display the colors of more detailed components of the user interface). If the Corporate identity was created in a parent client (A baseline) the sub-items were not visible in the child layers (This did not impact the use of these items, only the visibility of the items when opening the Corporate identity). This has been fixed.


Inventory management:

In some cases, the unit quantity of an inventory item in a new asset transaction was set to '1' instead of the actual unit quantity of the inventory item. This has been fixed.


Work orders:

The work order lists (both via the navigation menu and also the list of generated work orders from within a maintenance schedule) have been updated to show more relevant fields.


Navigation menu:

The order of menu options in the navigation menu has been changed. It is ordered in a more logical order (E.g starting with master data objects first).


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