MGT - New module: Project management

MGT - New module: Project management

A capital project is a project to construct either new facilities or make significant, long-term renewal improvements to existing facilities. It combines master data, budgets, milestones, work orders, and planning, which are existing components within Workplace management we can glue together.


  • As a (Facility) project manager

  • I want to have a standard and streamlined module that enables our organization to handle capital projects

  • So that we can effectively create new project tasks or work orders, manage and monitor budgets, track project time spent, and ensure accurate cost roll-up.





  • Reduces the need for consultancy hours, saving time and money for customers.

  • Improves customer satisfaction by providing a standard project management module.

  • Increases the adoption of Workplace by making it more attractive to a wider range of customers.


Configuration instructions

Project management module activation and information


User instructions

Project management module



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