ANL - Opportunity Simulator => Space Simulator
Opportunity Simulator was introduced 2 years ago, post-covid, when the need for office space optimization emerged. Over the years, we have collected the user feedback around the tool and are now relaunching with an improved user interface.
Old Opportunity Simulator
Information overload: all information available in one screen
New Space Simulator
Simulation outcome is available on a separate dedicated page, resulting in 4 pages in total & a better readability
Space Simulator: How does it work?
Space Simulator: Simulation scenarios
How much space can I cut and how much savings it represents?
How many extra people can be added to the space or vice versa?
How is one building compares to another in terms of occupancy/ utilization?
The Opportunity Simulator dashboard has undergone a transformation and is now reborn as Space Simulator, with new functionalities and a better readability.
As a space analyst
I want to make simulations about potential space savings, workplace capacity and benchmarking
So that I can make informed decisions on various space opportunities
Same concept as Opportunity Simulator, while much easier to use
Improved readability (per simulation type)
Start page
As a space analyst
I want start with
a building
some input parameters
a simulation type (-> what do I want?)
So that the application understands the simulation purpose and shows simulations that are easier to read
A – Space savings simulation
Calculate potential space reductions & yearly savings.
B – Capacity simulation
Capacity Simulation’s purpose is to calculate how many people can be added to a specific space.
C – Benchmarking (Av. Occcupancy / Vacancy)
Benchmark different spaces using configurable targets for occupancy and vacancy.
Space Simulator – release timeline
Collect customer feedback and buy-in
Phased replacement of old Opportunity Simulator
Smooth transition
Business continuity
User instructions