Deleting and archiving
For most objects created in Workplace Management, it is possible to delete the object. Deleting an object is usually done if the user creates an object by accident or an object is incorrect. Next to deleting an object, it is also possible to archive an object. Archiving an object is usually done if the the object still needs to be visible for reporting purposes, but cannot be found and selected anymore.
Below more information is described about deleting and archiving.
A user can delete an object via the X icon shown on most objects in the top right corner:
The delete option (X icon) is not always visible for every object. This can be due to the type of object (an invoice can only be cancelled instead of deleted), a process is involved (confirmed reservations can only be cancelled instead of deleted) or the user is not authorized to delete the object. In those cases the object can be deleted by a system administrator, if necessary.
If a user deletes an object, the object is moved to the 'Bin'. The deleted object remains in the bin for a pre defined period of time (the number of days is determined via a general setting), before it will be deleted indefinitely. Until then, the system administrator is able to restore any deleted object.
Deleted objects can no longer be found via the objects search options. Deleted objects can only be found by searching in the bin. Only the system administrator can search the bin. Deleted objects might be still visible in the personal bin of the user and can be opened from there.
If a deleted object is still linked to another object, the link will no longer clickable for a regular user. The link can only be seen by an system administrator.
A user can archive an object via the archive icon shown on most objects in the top right corner:
If a user archives an object, the object is moved to the 'Archive'. The archived object remains in the archive indefinitely. The user and the system administrator is able to restore the archived object.
Archived objects can no longer be found via the objects search options. Archived objects can only be found by searching in the archive. Only the system administrator can search the archive. Archived objects might be still visible in the personal bin of the user and can be opened and restored from there.
If an archived object is still linked to another object, the link will will remain clickable for every user.