GO - My Reservations
Difficulty: novice
Learning Objectives
After reading this article, you’ll be able to:
Identify your future reservations
Search for specific future reservations
Differentiate reservations made for others or for which you are Reservation Responsible
See upcoming events on a rolling timeline, or search for your reservations by date, space type (rooms, workplaces, parking spaces) or in the search bar using the reservation reference.
Use the 3 dots for more actions
View details to check out all the details of the booked space and your reservation in general. From there, you can edit or cancel your reservation.
Cancel reservation
Share reservation with colleagues. They will see them appear in GO - Notification center
Personal / Managed toggle
As a default, the list shows reservations made by you for yourself, and reservations made by others in your name.
Choose “Managed” to load reservations you have made for other users.
A tag highlights who made the reservation (if not you) or whom you made the reservation for.
Personal / Managed toggle is visible as soon as there are reservations in the (near) future for which you are the reservation responsible and also you made reservations for other people.
You will not see Personal / Managed toggle if
you only have reservations in your own name for the near future (all shown are “Personal”)
you only made reservations for others (all shown are “Managed”)
Filter on Object Type
Use the Object Type filter to filter the results that contain any of the objects,
for example a reservation made on a Location, and including Services and Equipment add-ons
will show up when selecting any of the relevant Object Type Filters.