Difficulty: novice
Learning Objectives
After reading this article, you’ll be able to:
install Tabs motion sensors at workplaces
Motion sensors connect over the LoRa network. Make sure you install your LoRa hub before installing the sensors (check out LoRa Gateways / Hubs installation guides for more information).
Prepare your sensor plan (floorplan with dimensions and markings of where the sensors need to come) has been set up.
Verify you have everything to go on site: Checklist hardware on-site visit/installation
Depending on the amount of sensors you’re installing, you might want to Prepare batch import file before installation
Make sure to communicate to the workplace users on site what is happening (change management).
Definition “normal table/desk” vs “height adjustable table/desk”
a normal table/desk height is fixed between 60-80 cm high. An end-user cannot change the height of this kind of table. (It might be possible to change the height by taking the table apart and reconstructing it again, but that’s not a daily event. )
a height adjustable table’s height is not fixed: an end-user can decide (and change his mind multiple times during the day) to use the table in a seated or upright position. (Usually, there are up/down-buttons linked to a motor.)
Sensor installation
If the situation you are facing deviates from these instructions/prerequisites, please contact Spacewell. Pictures / Drawings say more than a 1000 words.
Instructions for installations on normal tables
Instructions for installations on height adjustable tables
Sensor installation Tips & Tricks
Don’t place tape on the side with the QR code
Place the eye towards the seating area of the workplace or facing down the ground
Aim the eye facing down away from strong heating or cooling sources (fireplace, HVAC)
What happened before - don’t let it happen again…
Eye of workplace sensor very close against a metal stud
Sensor on a movable table
Sensor below a chair instead of table
Sensor on top of the table
Sensors installation in a “construction” site
Deploy sensors in Workplace Platform
Add New Device in Workplace back-end Studio
Go to your environment (https://studio.cobundu.com ) and log in
Select the location, where you can manually add a sensor via "Add New Device"
Manually add device through location > devices > new: location is filled in.
Select Device Type "Browan Motion v1.3". This will automatically link the device channel.
Enter Device ID as serial-number with all capitals and including the dashes. Where the sensor sticker will mention Device ID in format 58A0-CB00-0010-XXXX or E8E1-E100-010C-XXXX: add dashes after each 2 characters in Studio (to obtain 58-A0-CB-00-00-10-XX-XX resp E8-E1-E1-00-01-0C-XX-XX).
Enter a meaningful Device Name (eg customer_floor number_area).
Select a Location from the location tree if this is already known (automatically filled in if location was selected before adding new device).
Linked Locations is not relevant for this kind of sensor.
Selecting the correct Device Type "Browan Motion v1.3" should automatically set the Type to "Presence" and the Channel to “PIR” (see Advanced).
For more information on how to add multiple new devices to Studio, check out Configure devices (add, remove, import/export).
Quality Assurance
Next step is the Quality Assurance to make sure that the whole installation and configuration of your Motion sensor was a success. See Quality Assurance Occupancy/Utilization Sensor
Next steps
Once data is flowing into the Workplace Platform, Configure Space monitor
In case you encounter any issue with your devices, don’t hesitate to check Browan sensor troubleshooting guide