Workplace Management (23.3)
Release date 08-07-2023
Key | Release note |
UST-004833 | Financials: Added new field to AccountingSetting to define whether to calculate collection costs based on open amount or total amount. |
UST-003556 | Integration: A new field has been added to the object 'Property': bagReference. This field can be used in custom BAG integrations, since the external reference field is already used in most cases. |
UST-004491 | Other (Functionals): The 'ImportItem' object now also has an objectNameId and instanceId field. This can be used to actually link the import item to the object that is created via the import/API (In case import Items are used for this) |
UST-004847 | Other (Functionals): Adding 4 configuration fields to AccountingSettings to determine the execution mode (either batch or realtime) for the different service charge reconciliation processes: Generating reconciliations, period allocations, contractitem amounts and reconciliation invoices. |
UST-004849 | Other (Functionals): Added an invoice filter for searching / filtering invoices within a service charge reconiliation. Previously all invoices were listed which caused performance issues for the user. |
UST-004062 | User Interface: The 'Announcements' object now also has an 'endDate' field. It already had a start date field. This field can be used to specify the end date for this announcement and can also be added to the filter that shows the announcements to users, as a means to not show announcements after their end date. |
RFP-002031 | Workplace reservations: New settings have been added (Module settings, tab 'Reservations') via which a maximum number of workplace reservations per week or (calendar)month can be indicated. If a user creates more workplace (area with area type = 'Workplace') reservations within this period, an error is given. It is also possible to indicate a user group for which these settings are ignored (Such that for instance a reservation coordinator can still create an additional reservation for a user) |
RFP-002452 | Requests: When selecting an asset in a request, it is now also possible to use a barcode scan option to find the correct asset, by scanning the barcode on the asset via a phone. (This barcode should of course also be registered on the asset) |
RFP-002389 | Requests: The address of the linked property is now also displayed on a request and corrective work order page (If available). Next to that, the address is also added to the corrective work order e-mail template (To use this new template, the workflow e-mails will need to be removed and regenerated in the corrective work order workflow). |
RFP-002443 | Floor areas: It was not yet possible to add a photo to an area of the category 'Floor'. Since these are displayed in the Workplace Experience app, this field has been added and it is now possible to add a photo. |
RFP-002309 | Area QR code export: A new report is available via which area QR codes can be exported in an easily printable format. This report will be available to admin users on the 'Workplace Experience' startboard buttonbar and to key users via the master data report folder. |
RFP-002310 | Area photos A new report is added to quickly upload photos to areas. It is also possible to quickly link the same photo (For instance an example photo of a workplace) to a selection of areas. This can help administrators with populating the workplace experience app with photos of al the (reservable) rooms and workplaces. This report will be available to admin users on the 'Workplace Experience' startboard buttonbar |
RFP-002435 | 'Treatment group' translation: The label 'Treatment group' is changed to 'Service group'. This change is only relevant to the English translations. |
RFP-002442 | (admin) User profile management dashboard: Customer-specific user groups (e.g. Treatment groups) were displayed as 'Optional' groups in the User profile management dashboard, this has been changed to always be displayed as mandatory groups to assign to at least one user. |
RFP-002391 | (admin) Solution-based roll-out: In the solution-based roll-out for the Maintenance Management solution, a default work order scheduler is also generated that will automatically generate preventative work orders from work order schedules every week for the coming month. |
Key | Release note |
UST-004775 | Other (Functionals): Performance improvements have been made with regard to text searches on some often-used text fields. Examples are the search on document references, contract reference and request reference. |
UST-005047 | Other (Functionals): If a reservation contained a reservation item related to an asset and the requested quantity of that item was higher than the total quantity of the asset, an error was thrown that caused the item to not be shown anymore (making it impossible to change the quantity). This has been fixed and the error is no longer causing the item to disappear |
RFP-002434 | (admin) Importsheets: The import sheet for the (Requests) problem types has been updated, such that the reference that is automatically generated in the Excel import sheet will no longer contain "PROBLEM-X" but will only use numbers (e.g.11.5.2) Since the reference is also displayed when selecting a problem type in a request, this looks more user-friendly. |