ANL - Reservation Insights
New Dashboard Reservation Insights
As a workplace manager
I want to gain insights in how spaces and equipment items are booked
So that we can optimize usage and learn from usage patterns
Metrics per building
Drill down the reservation data per building or select several buildings to identify trends.
Example: I want to select all my buildings in the Netherlands to see reservation trends happening in the Dutch workplace.
Reports on
Parking spots
Available metrics
# of reservations
Avg duration (h)
Avg / peak reservation rate
Avg lead time (d)
Booking Patterns
Gives insight in most popular booking patterns:
When and where are people making most reservations?
And for how long?
Reservable Items
Shows the full list of Reservable items and gives the overall reservations metrics:
#reservations per category
#reservations per room size
→ Check all the reservable items and see how many times each item was reserved
Gives insight in most popular booking patterns:
When and where are people making most reservations?
And for how long?
Do we book mainly large meeting rooms or small ones?
How does this evolve over time?
Check the full list of reservable items and the hours reserved per day
→ Clear & visual calendar view with legends that shows for how many hours that item was reserved per day so you can identify under-performances
Gain insight into how spaces are being booked & identify under-performances and take action
More information